Glutes Cramping

 by Bethany Kochan

Glute cramps can stop you in your tracks and hinder future workouts. Take care to avoid and treat the painful cramps.

Muscle cramps can stop you in your tracks. These sudden, involuntary muscle contractions can make it temporarily impossible to use the affected muscle and can happen at any time. One of the largest muscles in your body, your glutes, are very active during many activities. When your glutes cramp, take steps to treat and prevent further issues.

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Signs of Muscle Cramp

Right after you finish a workout or during exercise, you might feel a gradual tightening of your glutes. This type of slow cramping can usually be relieved quickly by shifting position.

Cramps can also be sudden and severe. This type of cramping often has no sign that it is coming and can be severely painful. Cramping can also be accompanied by a hard lump of muscle tissue in your glutes that you can feel or is even visible under the skin.

Causes of Glute Cramps

Muscle cramps can be caused by intense physical training. Sometimes when you work your glutes, they become overactive and begin to spasm, or cramp, involuntarily.

Cramping can also be caused by decreased blood supply or nerve compression. Decreased blood supply is usually due to narrowing of the arteries to the affected muscle, while nerve compression occurs in the spine but is felt in the affected muscle. It is possible that your glute cramps are due to depleted nutrients. Decreased amounts of potassium, magnesium and calcium can lead to cramping.

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Treating Glute Cramps

You can take a few steps to avoid and treat your cramping glutes. Stay hydrated by drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water each day. Increase your water intake if you are sweating a lot or exercising. Eat a balanced diet and include a sports drink during heavy workouts to replace depleted nutrients.

Warm up properly before workouts and stretch after you are done. If your glute cramps are frequent and you are following all instructions, see a doctor as there may be another cause of your muscle cramps.


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