Over-the-Counter Candida Treatments

 by VitaI

Candida is a fungus that lives within the body; it is kept under control by other bacteria and microorganisms that also inhabits the body. Candida is not harmful in small amounts, but when hormonal imbalances occur an overgrowth may take place. It thrives in areas that are moist or have high levels of sugar.

Candida is a fungus that lives within the body; it is kept under control by other bacteria and microorganisms that also inhabits the body. Candida is not harmful in small amounts, but when hormonal imbalances occur an overgrowth may take place. It thrives in areas that are moist or have high levels of sugar. An overgrowth of candida causes an infection that must be treated with antifungal medications. Several over-the-counter treatments can clear the symptoms of a candida infection.


Monistat was made famous for its effectiveness at clearing away the symptoms of candida yeast infections. It is primarily used by women as a topical cream that is applied to the outer area of the vagina. It provides a soothing relief instantly on contact for burning and severe itching associated with vaginal candida infections. All symptoms of vaginal yeast infection can be cleared up within seven days of use. It is recommended that it be used for the complete length of time. According to the website Yeast Infection Community, Monistat utilizes the antifungal main ingredient, miconazole, to eliminate candida that has grown on the surface of the genitals. It is highly possible that the infection may disappear before the complete use of the medication.

Tioconazole Ointment

Tioconazole is an over-the-counter topical cream that treats candida overgrowth. Its antifungal agents are able to kill off candida cells. It can be applied directly to the infected area of the skin or genitals. It can be used for vaginal yeast infections in women or in the folds of skin where candida overgrowth occurs. According to MayoClinic.com, tioconazole should be used for a few days after symptoms have disappeared. This will ensure the infection does not reoccur within a few days. It is also important to take this medication the recommended amount of times to see maximum results.

AZO Yeast Tablets

AZO yeast tablets are effective because they treat current symptoms of candida. However, they also prevent future infections from reoccurring. The drug comes as an easy to swallow tablet that internally destroys candida overgrowth. It can be used as a preventive measure when there are no visible signs of a candida infection. An active ingredient in AZO yeast tablets is lactobacillus sporogenese, which is a good bacteria already present in the body. According to Probiotics.org, protective or good bacteria that are also present in the body can control candida.


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