Home Remedies to Reduce an Infant's Fever

 by Amy Kaminsky

Many doctors consider an oral temperature above 99.5°F or a rectal temperature higher than 100.4°F a fever. If an infant younger than three months has a temperature higher than 100.4°F or if a baby between three and six months has a fever higher than 101°F, call your doctor.

Many doctors consider an oral temperature above 99.5°F or a rectal temperature higher than 100.4°F a fever. If an infant younger than three months has a temperature higher than 100.4°F or if a baby between three and six months has a fever higher than 101°F, call your doctor. If a child older than six months has a 102°F fever that rises or lasts longer than two days, call the doctor if her fever rises above 103°F.


According to Familydoctor.org, acetaminophen helps reduce fever. Do not give medications to infants under two months old without consulting their pediatrician. Read the dosing instructions on the package; the dosage will be based on the child's weight and age. Your pediatrician may also advise you on proper dosing amounts for your baby. Be sure to use the measuring device that comes with the fever reducer; a kitchen spoon will not measure the medicine correctly. You can also obtain a dropper or infant spoon from your local pharmacy.


Another home remedy to reduce your infant's fever is sponging. Place him in a bathtub with 1 to 2 inches of warm water, approximately 85ºF to 90ºF, advises Healthychildren.org. Use a clean washcloth to spread a layer of water over his arms, legs and trunk. If your child is uncomfortable or shivers, take him out of the tub. Shivering can worsen the fever.

Do not put alcohol in the tub. It can cause your child to go into a coma.


California Pacific Medical Center reminds parents to keep kids with fevers well hydrated. Iced drinks and popsicles are good ways to keep children cool and comfortable. Children can lose body fluids when they have a fever because they sweat. Commercially prepared electrolyte replacement drinks will hydrate sick infants and help them feel better. The drinks can be found in the baby food section of your local grocery store. Follow the directions on the bottle.

Room Temperature

Keeping your infant comfortable is your number-one priority when she has a fever. She should rest in a cool room. Familydoctor.org recommends keeping the house or the infant's bedroom between 70ºF and 74ºF. A fan can help circulate the air. It is also wise to dress your baby in light, cotton clothing as a home remedy to lowering her fever.


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