Back Hip & Heel Pain
Back, hip and heel pain can happen for a number of reasons. Whether from an injury, excessive use or a medical procedure such as surgery, the pain that results causes pain for the individual and can limit mobility.
Back, hip and heel pain can happen for a number of reasons. Whether from an injury, excessive use or a medical procedure such as surgery, the pain that results causes pain for the individual and can limit mobility. Understanding the symptoms, treatment methods and how to prevent such pain may significantly improve the quality of life for those experiencing back, hip and heel pain.
The causes for back, hip and heel pain are numerous. Some causes for back pain consist of injuries such as strains, sprains or spasms, slipped disks, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and fibromyalgia. Hip pain can be caused by such issues as fractures, sprains, strains and osteoporosis as well. states that such problems as dislocation, bruises, gout, bone cysts and over use are associated with heel pain. If you experience any pain in these parts of the body, consult your physician for further testing and investigation.
Symptoms of back pain vary, includng muscle aches, shooting pain in the back and legs, limited flexibility and problems standing. You may find such symptoms as intense pain, inability to walk, sudden swelling and problems moving legs. Finally, radiating pain, problems bearing weight, stiffness and swelling are all symptoms that you may experience with heel pain. These symptoms can vary from mild to severe and should not be over looked. While they may be caused by something simple like a sprain or strain, they may also be associated with bone problems, such as cancer and osteoporosis.
The ways to treat the pain associated with back, hip or heel pain are numerous. Most of these treatments are affective in treating each of these problems. Physical therapy, acupuncture or surgery are all options that may be considered by your physician. Each of these procedures may take several weeks to a few months to complete depending on the severity of your ailments. Your physician will discuss your treatment options. While none of these treatments are cures they may help to alleviate your pain.
Do not attempt to solve your pain issues without consulting a physician. He may need to run tests and take X-rays, CAT scans or use other methods for diagnosing the cause of your pain. If you are experiencing pain that is sudden or persistent, contact your health care provider right away.
According to, to prevent back pain, remember to bend at the knees and not use solely your back to life or move heavy objects, wear flat shoes with low heels and take breaks when sitting for long periods of time. Avoid falling by taking extra precautions in bad weather, warm up before exercise and wear hip pads if involved in sporting activities to prevent hip pain. To prevent heel pain you should consider stretching your heels, wearing supportive shoes and maintain a healthy weight. Always discuss prevention techniques with a physician.