Kevin Hart's daily mental health mantra will make you smile

 by Leah Groth

In a new interview, Kevin Hart reveals the one phrase that helps him out on a bad mental health day.

Just like the rest of us, Kevin Hart doesn't wake up every single morning feeling great and ready to slay with a smile on his face. In a new interview, the actor reveals the one positive phrase that helps him turn things around when he is having a bad physical or mental health day as well as some of his other morning rituals.

"Mental health is just as important as the physical, if not more," he told the Huffington Post. So what is his go-to mantra when he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed? "Every day is the start of a new day," he reveals. "I love that saying because if you were bad yesterday, that doesn't mean you have to be bad the following day. You can always improve, and you can always start a new journey."

Hart, who recently launched a new YouTube show dubbed "What the Fit," explains that he is committed to physical fitness, which "has always been a love, but now it's become more of a commitment." A self-described "morning person," he gets up at 5 or 5:30 a.m. after hitting the snooze button five or six times. "I set my alarms three minutes apart," he explains. His daily breakfast consists of egg whites and turkey bacon and, if he is working, coffee "because I have such long days sometimes," he says. "But I try not to drink too much, so I do just black. Other than that, I'd say tea. It's better for your voice."

Hart exercises in the morning, jokingly adding that his go-to move when it comes to working out is "just getting up." After all, motivation can be the hardest part of exercise. "That's the best move, that's the toughest move," he says. "Getting up to go out … is where so many people struggle. It's not the actual realm of physical fitness, but the initiative it takes to start. For me it's that." In case you are curious exactly how the star stays in shape, in addition to hitting the gym with his wife, Eniko Parrish, Hart recently shared his sumo wrestling-inspired workout on his YouTube show.

Mental health has been a hot topic in the celebrity world lately, with everyone from David Harbour and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to Kanye West opening up about their struggles. While Hart has never admitted to dealing with a mental health issue himself, his advice to start each new day afresh and focusing on the future rather than the past is important for all of us. While it might sound corny to start your day with a morning mantra, many studies have found that optimism can significantly influence mental and physical well-being.

Basically, like Hart, you can actually think yourself into a better headspace. Repeat after us: "Every day is the start of a new day!"

What Do YOU Think?

Do you appreciate Kevin Hart's morning mantra? What do you do each morning to maintain your physical and mental health? Do you have a go-to mantra? Share in the comments!


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