The Best Ways to Cook Marinated Chicken
Chicken is a meat high in protein and low in fat. Cooking styles, including the use of marinades, can add a healthier twist while providing you with added flavor and tenderness. Marinades can consist of lemon juice, garlic and other herbs as desired to bring out a unique flavor sure to please many palates.
Chicken is a meat high in protein and low in fat. Cooking styles, including the use of marinades, can add a healthier twist while providing you with added flavor and tenderness. Marinades can consist of lemon juice, garlic and other herbs as desired to bring out a unique flavor sure to please many palates.
Once you have marinated your chicken for two to eight hours, it is time to cook. Baking your marinated chicken is one of the healthiest ways to ensure it is tasty and juicy. Before baking, remember to drain your chicken of the marinade and lie your chicken in a lightly greased baking dish. Place your chicken in a 350-degree preheated oven. Baking at a temperature higher than 350 degrees will cause the outside of your chicken to cook faster, leaving the inside raw or undercooked. Cooking time depends on the chicken's weight and cut. For example, chicken breasts may require only 20 to 30 minutes while a whole chicken will require one to two hours.
The onset of warmer weather may spark the desire to cook outdoors. Grilling your marinated chicken fulfills this desire as well as helps maintain healthy eating habits. After lighting your grill and allowing it to warm up, place aluminum foil over your cooking rack. Lightly spray the foil with nonstick olive oil to prevent the chicken from adhering to the foil. Once your grill is heated, place the cooking rack on the lowest setting. Place your drained, marinated chicken on the rack and close the lid to your grill. The side closest to the bottom will cook faster; therefore, after 30 minutes, you must turn the chicken over to cook it evenly.
Roasting is often confused with baking, although the cooking styles are somewhat different. When roasting a chicken, you are attempting to brown it through frequent basting with marinade or oil. Roasted chicken is also cooked on a lower temperature than baked chicken. Preheat your oven to 325 degrees and place your chicken in a nonstick roasting pan. Cover your chicken and cook it in the oven for 30 minutes to an hour to cook the inside. Remove the cover and baste your chicken with oil or marinade and cook uncovered for one to two hours, basting every 20 to 30 minutes. The oil or marinade will brown the outer skin of your chicken, leaving it crispy on the outside.
Stir Fry
Stir frying marinated chicken can give you a quick and healthy option for dinner. Instead of using vegetable or canola oils, heat a tablespoon of olive oil in your frying pan. Remove your chicken from the marinade, cut into bite-sized pieces and place in the pan to cook. Cover your chicken with the lid and allow it to fry at a medium temperature until browned. You will need to stir frequently. When fully cooked, add your choice of vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower. Add soy sauce or other stir fry sauce. Replace the lid and allow to cook until vegetables are done to your liking. You can serve over cooked brown rice to round out a healthy meal.
You need to make sure your chicken is fully cooked. To ensure safety, the internal temperature of chicken breasts should reach 170 degrees Fahrenheit and 180 degrees Fahrenheit for whole chicken, according to Washing State University.