How to Grill Thick Pork Chops

 by Natalie Smith

Thick, juicy pork chops are a summer favorite. Grilling thick pork chops can be challenging, however, because you must get the temperature just right without charring the meat's edges. The key to successfully grilling thick-cut pork is the keep the temperature of the grill low and to grill them slowly.

Thick, juicy pork chops are a summer favorite. Grilling thick pork chops can be challenging, however, because you must get the temperature just right without charring the meat's edges. The key to successfully grilling thick-cut pork is the keep the temperature of the grill low and to grill them slowly. Trying to rush the cooking will lead to a burned pork chop that is raw in the middle. Get the grilling right and you will have a delicious entrée that the entire family will enjoy.

Start your grill and pre-heat it to high, or about 450 degrees. Allow your grill to warm up.

Place the pork chops onto the heated grill for one to two minutes per side; this will sear them, locking in their juices.

Lower the heat on the grill to low, or about 225 degrees. If you are using a marinade, brush more on before you close the lid. Keeping the lid closed will allow the heat to distribute evenly, cooking the pork chops thoroughly despite the low heat.

Turn the pork chops after five minutes and cook them for five more minutes.

Pull one pork chop off of the grill and take its temperature. The meat's internal temperature should reach 150 to 155 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is less than 150, put the meat back onto the grill. Grill the pork chops one more minute for every 10 degrees the pork chop is under the optimal temperature. For example, if your pork chop is 120 degrees Fahrenheit, give it three more minutes to reach 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

Pull the pork chops off and place them on a plate; cover the plate with foil.

Allow the chops to rest for 10 minutes to allow the juices to accumulate. The pork chops will continue cooking under the foil.

Take their temperature. Finished pork chops should have an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.


Undercooked pork can transmit trichinosis, a food-borne illness that is potentially fatal. Always make sure that your pork chops are at 160 degrees internally before you eat them.


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