How to Cook Rib Eye Steaks on the Stove Top
The rib eye is a beefsteak taken from the side area near the ribs. The characteristic marbling in the meat helps to keep it tender when cooking. Rib-eye steaks vary in size, but they are usually about 1 to 1 1/2 inches thick.
The rib eye is a beefsteak taken from the side area near the ribs. The characteristic marbling in the meat helps to keep it tender when cooking. Rib-eye steaks vary in size, but they are usually about 1 to 1 1/2 inches thick. There are a number of ways to prepare this cut; however, the size makes panfrying one way to crisp the outside while maintaining the natural tenderness.
Step 1
Set the steaks on a plate and let them sit on the counter for one hour.
Step 2
Coat the steaks with canola or olive oil.
Step 3
Preheat the skillet on medium-high until the bottom is hot.
Step 4
Panfry the rib eyes in the hot pan for two minutes and then turn them.
Step 5
Place 1 tbsp. of butter on top of the steaks once you flip them. Season the meat with kosher salt and pepper while the butter melts. Cook the steaks for seven minutes in the pan and transfer them to a plate. Allow the rib eyes to rest for five minutes before serving them.