How to Cook Ground Beef With Water

 by Tocarra McBride

Freezer cooking is when you prepare several meals – even a month’s worth – at one time. Cooking in advance and freezing the meal for reheating later can save time, especially for a busy mom. The majority of meals that are safe for the freezer call for cooked ground beef.

Freezer cooking is when you prepare several meals – even a month's worth – at one time. Cooking in advance and freezing the meal for reheating later can save time, especially for a busy mom. The majority of meals that are safe for the freezer call for cooked ground beef. The normal method of browning ground beef in a skillet is very time-consuming, especially when you are looking at cooking several pounds of ground beef at one time. Therefore, you can save time by cooking the ground beef in water.

Stovetop Method

Step 1

Fill a large pot with water and place it on the stove.

Step 2

Turn the stove on "Medium-High."

Step 3

Crumble the ground beef into the pot of water, and break up any large clumps.

Step 4

Allow the pot of water and meat to boil. Stir the meat occasionally to help the meat cook evenly.

Step 5

Check the meat often. When the meat is brown, it is done.

Step 6

Drain the cooked ground beef using a strainer and dispose of the water and grease. Season to taste.

Step 7

Store the cooked ground beef in storage bags for freezing, or use immediately in a recipe.

Crockpot Method

Step 1

Turn your crockpot on low.

Step 2

Add your ground beef to the crockpot.

Step 3

Pour one cup of water over the beef.

Step 4

Place the lid on the top of the crockpot. Check to ensure the lid is secure and fits well; otherwise the heat will escape and the meat will take longer to cook.

Step 5

Cook for six to eight hours. Drain the water from the browned meat, and season it to taste. Use the meat in a recipe or freeze it by storing in freezer bags.


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