How to Wear a Tennis Elbow Arm Band

 by Brian Connolly

Tennis elbow straps or braces are a frequently prescribed orthopedic device used to reinforce the muscles damaged by tennis elbow. According to MayoClinic.

Tennis elbow straps or braces are a frequently prescribed orthopedic device used to reinforce the muscles damaged by tennis elbow. According to, tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is commonly treated with the help of straps and braces that can reduce the impact regular activities have on injured tissues. While the vast majority of tennis elbow cases do not require surgery or corticosteroid treatment to completely heal, a tennis elbow arm band or strap may be recommended to help protect the lateral elbow muscles from stress as you heal. Consult your doctor to decide whether this device is recommended for your particular situation.

Step 1

Rest your elbow on a pillow or cushioned surface to reduce the stress of applying the tennis elbow arm band. Rub your lateral elbow muscles with your fingers until you locate the spot that appears to be the most painful.

Step 2

Measure 10 cm down your forearm from that spot with the help of a ruler or tape measure. Place the brace component of the arm band directly on the measured spot on your forearm and release the Velcro strap so that it hangs down from your arm. The brace should rest on the top of your forearm with the strap resting on the outside or "pinky finger" side of your arm, as recommended by Sports Injury Clinic.

Step 3

Hold the brace in place as you wrap the Velcro strap under your arm and fasten it to the top of the brace component. The tennis elbow strap should be firmly wrapped around your arm in a way that reinforces the lateral muscles while not cutting off circulation.

Step 4

Press the arm splint against your forearm, should your unit comes include one, and wrap the smaller wrist strap unit around your wrist bone in the same manner as you did with the first Velcro forearm strap. Move your arm to make sure the unit stays in place; if you experience a tingling sensation or sudden paleness in your arm, loosen the Velcro straps slightly to allow more circulation.


If severe pain symptoms continue or if you experienced your tennis injury in the last 24 hours, contact your doctor or physical therapist to make sure your tennis elbow does not require additional treatment or surgery.


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