How to Increase Body Acidity

 by Sari Hardyal

The human body works hard to maintain a relatively neutral pH. The pH level measures the acidity or alkalinity of the body. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being a very strong acid and 14 being a very strong base, or alkaline. According to Dr. Ben Kim, the body's plasma needs to maintain a pH between 7.

The human body works hard to maintain a relatively neutral pH. The pH level measures the acidity or alkalinity of the body. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being a very strong acid and 14 being a very strong base, or alkaline. According to Dr. Ben Kim, the body's plasma needs to maintain a pH between 7.35 and 7.45 to keep cells functioning properly. Purposely increasing the acidity of the body can increase your metabolism and force your body's systems to work harder to maintain the body's neutral pH level.

Step 1

Test your body's pH level. You can go to your doctor and get a pH test, or you can perform the test at home, which requires a strip of pH paper that turns different colors depending on the acidity or alkalinity of the liquid placed on it. You will need to urinate on a strip of pH paper to find your body's pH level, or the doctor may draw some blood to get a more accurate pH level.

Step 2

Eat foods to increase your body's acidity. Dr. Denise Moffat of Natural Health Techniques includes a list of acid-producing foods on her website. Some foods that produce acid include bread, macaroni, chicken, beef, buttermilk, cottage cheese, rice, eggs, gluten flour, honey, turkey, pork, peas and corn. Dr. Kim says some of the most acid-producing products include alcohol, soft drinks, tobacco, coffee, white sugar, refined salt and artificial sweeteners.

Step 3

Increase your body's metabolism. According to Dr. Ben Kim, the body uses three different metabolic activities to rid the body of excess acid and keep the body's pH at the 7.35 to 7.45 range. Dr. Kim lists these three activities as buffer systems in the body, exhaling carbon dioxide, and eliminating hydrogen ions via the kidneys. Eating foods that increase your body's acidity will force your body's metabolism to increase, because these metabolic activities must work harder to keep the body's pH level neutral. The increase in metabolism can lead to minor weight loss over time.

Step 4

Reduce your intake of alkaline foods. Moffat lists the following foods as the top 10 most alkaline foods: dried figs, dried lima beans, dried apricots, raisins, Swiss chard, dried prunes, dandelion greens, soybean sprouts, spinach and taro root.

Step 5

Test your body's pH levels again after a month. This should give your body time to adapt to the changes in your diet. Repeat the same type of pH test, either going to the doctor or performing an at-home test, as you did the first time. Take note of any changes or increases in body acidity.


Consult your doctor before starting any new diet.


Don't increase the body's acidity too much. According to herbalist Ed Kasper, too much acid in the body can lead to a blood condition called acidosis, which can alter many body functions, leading to diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, nerve damage and arthritis.


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