How to Remove Sugar From Your System

 by Tammy Dray

Sugar is everywhere. You can find it in everything from dairy products to sauces to canned foods. If you’re trying to eliminate sugar from your life, you will need to do more than just give up sweets. Aside from changes in your diet, try exercising daily.

Sugar is everywhere. You can find it in everything from dairy products to sauces to canned foods. If you're trying to eliminate sugar from your life, you will need to do more than just give up sweets. Aside from changes in your diet, try exercising daily. Since you get your energy from sugar, exercising will help you burn the sugar in your blood. If you don't replace it by eating carbs again right after your workout, you'll be removing sugar from your blood successfully.

Read the nutrition labels of the foods you buy frequently. Either eliminate anything that contains added sugars or compare similar products and choose the one with the lowest sugar content. According to the Children's Hospital Boston, every 4 g of sugar equal 1 tsp. The recommended intake of sugar is no more than 6 tsp. a day, so keep that in mind when choosing products to eat.

Switch to whole grains. While all carbohydrates are converted into glucose by your body, whole grains go through the process much more slowly. This means you'll have time to burn off that sugar, rather than have it around or store it as fat. Get rid of refined grains and carbs like white rice, white sugar, sugary cereals and sweets. Instead, opt for brown or wild rice, whole wheat bread and pasta and plain oats.

Reduce your overall carb intake. Since sugar comes from carbs, cutting your overall carb intake will help you clear sugars from your system. According to Wilstar, a low-carb diet is any diet where you eat fewer than 100 g per day. However, some diets like Atkins cut down your carb intake to no more than 20 g per day.


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