Home Remedy for the Removal of Facial Hair
Having unwanted hair on your face can be frustrating and embarrassing. It can make you feel self-conscious about how your face looks. You may find a few hair strands growing near your ears and above your lips. The most common causes of unwanted facial hair include genetics, prescription drugs and stress.
Having unwanted hair on your face can be frustrating and embarrassing. It can make you feel self-conscious about how your face looks. You may find a few hair strands growing near your ears and above your lips. The most common causes of unwanted facial hair include genetics, prescription drugs and stress. There are innumerable products in the market that can remove facial hair. However they can expensive and the harsh chemicals can irritate your skin. Fortunately, there are many natural methods you can try to remove facial hair. Nothing beats natural treatments as far as removing unwanted facial hair. Though they may take a while in showing effect, they are definitely easy and safe to use.
Step 1
Dissolve 5 tbsp. of table salt in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Cover and set aside.
Step 2
Pour 5 tbsp. of milk into a clean bowl. Add 6 tbsp. of turmeric powder and the salt solution. Stir will until it turns into a paste. The use of salt together with turmeric can soften and dissolve unwanted facial hair.
Step 3
Wash your face with warm water to help soften your skin and facial hair. Use a mild moisturizing soap and avoid using harsh antimicrobial soaps on your face to prevent your skin from getting dry.
Step 4
Apply the turmeric mixture generously to the areas of your face with unwanted facial hair. Massage in a circular motion for 15 to 20 minutes until it hardens and dries. Store any unused turmeric mixture in the fridge for the next day.
Step 5
Wash your face with cold water to remove the turmeric mixture. Do the above steps every day until you no longer see unwanted facial hair. It usually takes six to eight days before you can see results. You can also apply the mixture every day for several months to help make your facial hair grow slower, thinner and finer.
Applying turmeric will stain your skin yellow. You can remedy this by using a facial toner after washing the turmeric mixture off your face. You can purchase facial toners at a drugstore.
Consult your physician before embarking on self remedies for the skin.