Home Remedies for a Facial Scrub

 by Elizabeth Tumbarello

Facial scrubs are used to remove dead skin from the face, leading to a healthier complexion, according to Pamela Hill's "Advanced Face and Body Treatments for the Spa." Scrubs, sometimes known as "glows," may be used as a home remedy for skin problems.

Facial scrubs are used to remove dead skin from the face, leading to a healthier complexion, according to Pamela Hill's "Advanced Face and Body Treatments for the Spa." Scrubs, sometimes known as "glows," may be used as a home remedy for skin problems. Acne, dry skin or oily skin may benefit from the exfoliating action of facial scrubs, while applying a facial scrub to normal skin can make you feel pampered. Create spa-quality facial scrubs at home for a fraction of the cost that commercial spas charge. As a bonus, the leftover ingredients used in most home remedy facial scrubs double as healthy snacks during or after treatment.

Soothing Facial Scrub

Step 1

Mix 1 cup dry, unflavored oatmeal with 1/2 cup water. Oatmeal, according to "Milady's Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary," is both soothing and exfoliating, sloughing off dead skin cells while calming inflamed and sore areas.

Step 2

Heat the oatmeal and water mixture, according to the oatmeal manufacturer's directions. Stir the mixture, watching for a change in consistency. The oatmeal should still retain some dryness.

Step 3

Allow the mixture to cool. Apply the mixture to your face, rubbing it in small circles as you use it. The circular motion removes dead skin cells.

Step 4

Let the mixture sit on your face for up to five minutes to allow the soothing action of the oatmeal to take place.

Step 5

Rinse the facial scrub from your face with cool or lukewarm water. Apply a moisturizer, if necessary.

Acne Facial Scrub

Step 1

Remove the stems from four strawberries. Strawberries, according to Sue Dolan's "Naturally Skinsational," contain salicylic acid, a component in many over-the-counter acne-fighting products.

Step 2

Mash the strawberries together with 2 tbsp. sugar and a 1/2 tbsp. honey. Sugar sloughs off dead skin cells, while honey is a proven antibacterial, as outlined in a 1999 study published in the "Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine."

Step 3

Mix the honey, strawberries and sugar together until they are an even consistency. The mixture should be goopy, but rough to the touch from the inclusion of the sugar granules.

Step 4

Apply the mixture to your face, scrubbing in small circles as you go. If you find the sugar granules are too harsh for your face and are painful, add a small bit of water to the mixture to dissolve the granules slightly.

Step 5

Let the mixture sit on your face between five and 10 minutes after scrubbing, allowing the salicylic acid in the strawberries and the antibacterial nature of the honey to work. Rinse, using cool or lukewarm water. Since honey is a natural moisturizer, you don't need to apply an additional moisturizer after using this facial scrub unless you have dry skin.

Exfoliating Facial Scrub

Step 1

Peel and pit one avocado. Remove the pit and cut the fruit in half. Avocado is purported to be soothing. Of more interest, however, the fruit also contains acids that gently remove dead skin cells from the face, as noted in Dolan's "Naturally Skinsational."

Step 2

Blend one-half of the avocado with 1 tbsp. sea salt and 1 tsp. milk and a drop or two of lemon juice. The lemon juice and the lactic acid in the milk act as a mild acid peel, while the sea salt allows you to scrub away dead skin manually.

Step 3

Test the scrub on an area less sensitive than your face, such as the back of your hand. If the salt is too harsh, it would most certainly hurt your face more. Add a few drops of water to soften the salt granules.

Step 4

Rub the mixture onto your face in small circles. Avoid getting the mixture into your eyes due to the acidic nature of the fruits used.

Step 5

Rinse the mixture from your face immediately after scrubbing. Use cool or lukewarm water and apply a moisturizer suited to your skin type.


Remember that the benefits of these scrubs have not been backed by medical evidence.

If you have skin issues, make an appointment with a dermatologist or your primary health care provider.


If you are allergic to any ingredient, omit that from your homemade scrub.


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