How to Stop Acne & Grow Facial Hair
According to the Cleveland Clinic, acne is the most common skin condition that people experience. Acne most often develops in teenagers due to hormonal changes, but it may also develop in adults as well.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, acne is the most common skin condition that people experience. Acne most often develops in teenagers due to hormonal changes, but it may also develop in adults as well. Some individuals, whether adolescent young men or adult males, may grow facial hair in an attempt to cover up the acne, but this can often prove difficult for some men. Fortunately, you can take steps to treat your acne while at the same time taking steps to aid in the growth of facial hair.
Stopping Acne
Step 1
Gently wash your face with a mild cleanser every day. When washing your face, do not scrub the skin vigorously, since doing so can irritate the skin and actually worsen your acne. Instead, use a soft cloth to gently clean your face.
Step 2
Apply topical acne creams to your skin. According to the Cleveland Clinic, when choosing a topical acne treatment, it is important to look for products containing benzoyl peroxide or retinoids, which is a derivative of vitamin A. These substances target surface bacteria that aggravates acne and break up comedones. When combined with with topical antibiotics, these treatments can be even more effective.
Step 3
Undergo corticosteroid injections by your dermatologist. Corticosteroid is injected directly into acne cysts, reducing swelling and decreasing the chance of scarring.
Growing Facial Hair
Step 1
Ensure that you are taking in adequate nutrition. According to, insufficient amounts of iron and protein in your diet can make it difficult to grow hair and can actually cause hair loss. Therefore, avoid significant changes in diet or rapid weight loss while trying to grow facial hair.
Step 2
Resist the urge to shave. This may sound obvious, but facial hair often grows unevenly and trimming or shaping the beard prematurely can inhibit you from achieving your desired results. According to The Dermatology Blog, it usually takes about four weeks for a beard to fill out and adopt an even appearance.
Step 3
Take biotin, a dietary supplement that aids in hair and nail growth, everyday. Doctors at The Dermatology Blog recommend taking 2.5mg of biotin daily to assist with facial hair growth.
Step 4
Apply minoxidil to your face. Minoxidil, a drug commonly used to treat male- and female-pattern baldness, has the potential to encourage the growth of facial hair as well.
While growing facial hair, the skin can become red or itchy. To combat this, apply dandruff shampoo or a mild over-the-counter steroid cream to your face once a day.
When using minoxidil, it is important to avoid ingesting the drug or applying it in excessive amounts, as doing so can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure.