Body Hair Growth Inhibitors
If you have hair growth in undesirable places, you may want to find ways to reduce or stop it. Laser hair removal may be the best option; however, laser treatments can be cost-prohibitive.
If you have hair growth in undesirable places, you may want to find ways to reduce or stop it. Laser hair removal may be the best option; however, laser treatments can be cost-prohibitive.
Waxing and shaving must be done regularly, so consider trying hair growth inhibitor creams. While these creams do not remove hair permanently, they can discourage its growth and often work best in conjunction with other hair removal methods. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist before trying a hair growth inhibitor.
Vaniqa is currently the only hair growth inhibitor product to be approved by the FDA for reducing facial hair growth. It contains eflornithine, an ingredient which has been clinically shown to alter facial hair growth. The "European Journal of Dermatology" published a study that used a cream with 11.5 percent eflornithine for four months. Women who used this cream saw a decrease in the amount of facial hair, hair length and hair growth rate from months one to four.
Vaniqa contains 13.9 percent elflornithine, which may help to reduce the growth of your facial hair. The company states that Vaniqa will not stop facial hair growth; however, when used with your other methods of hair removal, Vaniqa can help to reduce frequency of hair removal. Vaniqa is only available by prescription.
Kalo is a hair growth inhibitor product distributed by Nisim. Unlike Vaniqa, Kalo can be used on facial hair as well as body hair. Kalo utilizes a sulfur reducer, which purportedly interrupts your hair's growth cycle. Sulfur is needed for hair growth; therefore, use of a sulfur-reducing ingredient to prevent adequate hair growth and quality.
When a hair is extracted from the follicle, as in plucking or waxing, Kalo applications will line the follicle, placing the sulfur-reducing compounds directly onto the site of hair growth. Kalo can work with shaving as well, although results may take longer. The company claims that hair regrowth can be reduced and eventually eliminated, although no clinical evidence exists to support this claim. Also, the company website does not indicate which ingredient reduces sulfur's activity.
Revitol Hair Removal Cream
Revitol creates a variety of beauty products, one of which is a hair removal-inhibitor cream. This cream differs from other hair growth inhibitors in that it actually removes hair from the root as well as potentially inhibits regrowth. The company website states that the product contains bioactive plant extracts that are absorbed into the hair-free follicle and work to reduce the hair shaft naturally at the follicle growth site. Your hair can become thinner and finer with use of the product, although no clinical evidence exists to support the company's claims.
The cream contains thioglycolic acid and calcium thioglycolate, which have been used as depilatories and in hair-straightening treatments. Talk to your doctor before trying this product, as it can cause irritation. Follow directions carefully and discontinue use if rash or other irritation develops.