Are There Vitamins to Promote Facial Hair Growth?

 by Amanda Tromley

Your lifestyle has a major impact on your facial hair. A protein-rich diet goes a long way toward promoting the growth of your beard or mustache, but your body needs more than protein to grow and maintain facial hair. Several vitamins promote hair growth.

Your lifestyle has a major impact on your facial hair. A protein-rich diet goes a long way toward promoting the growth of your beard or mustache, but your body needs more than protein to grow and maintain facial hair. Several vitamins promote hair growth. If you choose to use supplement pills to get these nutrients, talk to your doctor first.

Vitamin B5

Also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 prevents hair loss and graying. Whole grain cereals, egg yolks and organ meats such as liver provide rich sources of vitamin B5.

Vitamin C

Find this antioxidant for promoting hair growth in citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, dark green vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries and potatoes.

Vitamin E

This antioxidant increases blood flow and promotes healthy hair and skin. Wheat germ oil, soybeans, raw nuts and seeds, leafy green vegetables and dried beans provide rich sources of vitamin E. Talk to your doctor if you take medicine for high blood pressure or anticoagulants. Too much vitamin E can lead to an increase in blood pressure and may inhibit the blood's ability to clot.


Dermatologist Dr. Jeffrey Benabio recommends biotin specifically for facial hair growth. Biotin promotes the production of keratin and promotes hair and nail growth. Whole grains, liver, rice, milk, egg yolks and brewer's yeast contain healthy levels of biotin.


One of the B vitamins, inositol maintains health of hair follicles. Include liver, whole grain, brewer's yeast and citrus fruits in your diet to gain the benefits of inositol.


Another B vitamin, niacin promotes blood circulation. Fish, poultry and wheat germ provide sources of this vitamin. Consult your physician before adding niacin supplements. Taking too much can lead to the dilation of blood cells, which usually results in a temporary sensation of heat.

Other Supplements

Karen Marie Shelton of recommends a few other supplements including beta carotene, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, silica, nettle and flaxseed oil. Talk to your doctor to determine the correct dosage for any supplement and to ensure your supplements don't interfere with any medications you take.


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