How to Keep Peppers Fresh After Cutting
Fresh peppers have a clean flavor with a crisp texture that often seems to disappear quickly after you cut them. However, if you take steps to preserve their freshness, peppers will retain their crunch for up to one week after cutting.
Fresh peppers have a clean flavor with a crisp texture that often seems to disappear quickly after you cut them. However, if you take steps to preserve their freshness, peppers will retain their crunch for up to one week after cutting. All you need are a few household supplies and about two minutes to store the peppers properly. This technique will work for any type of pepper.
Slice the peppers with a sharp knife to avoid bruising their exterior. Discard the seeds and stems after cutting the peppers.
Lay a paper towel on a flat working surface and place the sliced peppers onto it. Wrap the paper towel around the sliced peppers.
Place the paper towel containing the peppers in an airtight container. Ensure the paper towel will not unwrap from around the peppers.
Pour 1/2 inch of cold water into the container. Seal the airtight container and place it into the refrigerator. Use the peppers within one week for the freshest results.
If you store the peppers for more than one week, replace the water within the container.