Steady Hand Exercises

 by Jessica McCahon

It is normal for your hands to shake slightly as the nerves and muscles switch continuously between states of relaxation and contraction, says

It is normal for your hands to shake slightly as the nerves and muscles switch continuously between states of relaxation and contraction, says However, if your shaky hands are preventing you from performing everyday activities, such as writing, using cutlery and raising a glass to your mouth, you should see a doctor for a professional diagnosis. Common causes include fatigue, stress or nerves, too much caffeine or sugar, overexertion and some medications -- especially those for asthma and depression. Exercises can build hand strength to reduce tremors, but again, see a doctor before starting your own treatment plan.

Deep Breathing Exercises

These are most effective if your shaky hands are caused by stress, nerves or fatigue, says the University of Maryland Medical Center. This is because breathing and relaxation exercises promote blood flow, and therefore oxygen, around the body. Try sitting or lying comfortably away from all other distractions and breathing in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. The exhalation should be twice as long as your inhalation to rid the body of toxins. As you breathe, concentrate on letting go of the tension in all parts of the body, including your hands.

Hand Strength Exercise

Performing regular exercises to strengthen the muscles in your hands will give you more control over their movement and improve dexterity. One exercise that can be performed easily throughout the day -- whether you're seated at your desk or watching TV -- is squeezing a ball. You can use any soft, small rubber ball as long as it has some flexibility and simply squeeze it in one hand as hard as possible, says Hold each squeeze for about five seconds and repeat 10 times, stopping if you feel any pain, and swap to the other hand.

Hand Stretches

Stretching your wrists and fingers is particularly useful if your tremors are caused by trapped nerves and/or repetitive activities, such as typing. This is because regular stretching will ease stiffness and improve circulation to your hands and wrists to energize muscles that can get twitchy through fatigue and lack of oxygen. Try bending the fingers of one hand back, one by one then all at once, to give your palm a good stretch then repeat on the other hand. Do the same exercise for your thumb, gently bending it forward and back to promote movement. Never force the stretches and, while a gentle tug is normal, always stop if you feel any pain.


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