Khloe Kardashian's Ultimate Guide to Diet and Exercise
Khloe Kardashian's post-pregnancy diet and exercise regimen revealed, along with exclusive tips from her personal trainer, Coach Joe!
If anyone's game to get back in the gym after being pregnant it's none other than fitness fanatic Khloe Kardashian. After letting her body recover for six weeks following the arrival of baby True back in April, the reality star has been focusing on her diet and exercise routine over the past month, spilling all her food secrets via her app. And to get even more details about what she's doing to get her pre-pregnancy body back, LIVESTRONG.COM spoke exclusively to Kardashian's personal trainer, Coach Joe, who revealed her exact exercise routine.
Up Next: Find out Kardashian's favorite workout moves to get tight and toned in the gym.
Simple Workouts
While Khloe's former fitness routine incorporated intense cardio and heavy lifting, Coach Joe tells LIVESTRONG.COM that, at least for the time being, those exercises aren't part of her plan. "We're working out in Khloe's home gym since we don't need a ton of weights or equipment yet," he says. As for the exercises he has Khloe doing, there's nothing too extreme. "If we are using weights, they're light weights with a lot of reps. It's mostly body weight with bands and a treadmill, and that's enough. I don't go really high with intensity — at least not yet."
Up Next: See what Khloe is eating to get her pre-baby body back!
Low-Carb Diet
Just two months after welcoming her daughter, Kardashian is following a strict low-carb, high-protein diet. And while her meal plan may seem complicated, "it's easier to follow than it sounds," she says. "I'm currently on a low-carb diet that my nutritionist, Dr. [Philip] Goglia, gave me. It has lots of protein, so I'm able to go all-out at the gym. But the best part is that I'm never hungry because I'm always eating!"
Up Next: Read about which high-protein foods Kardashian eats for breakfast!
Protein-Packed Breakfast
To start her day right, Kardashian begins by fueling herself before a morning workout with a tablespoon of jam paired with one tablespoon of almond butter. Once she is done in the gym, she eats a filling breakfast. "What you eat when you're done working out is so important," she explains. "I have two eggs (they can be poached, over-easy or scrambled) with one cup of oatmeal and another [cup] of fresh fruit like berries." Also on the menu? A midmorning fruit snack (such as an apple or a banana) with a handful of almonds. Yes, please!
Up Next: Find out what's on Kardashian's plate for lunch.
Lean Lunch
For lunch, Kardashian focuses on staying full and energized by eating a balanced meal. "Dr. Goglia recommends a four-ounce piece of grilled chicken breast with a half portion of a simple starch — like four ounces of yams or a half-cup of white rice along with a veggie and a salad," she says. As for the chicken, she is able to swap it for another lean meat (only grilled, steamed, baked or broiled is allowed). "For the salad, keep it simple with an oil-based vinaigrette. Any vegetables are great, but he especially recommends those high in iron, such as spinach, beets, asparagus, broccoli or romaine," she says.
Up Next: Wondering what Khloe eats for dinner? Learn about her tips for ending your day right.
Dinner Is Served
For her final meal of the day, Kardashian dines on an eight-ounce piece of fatty fish like sea bass, black cod, arctic char or salmon paired with vegetables and a salad. "While fish is best at night for performance purposes and more rapid weight loss, you can always switch it up for a lean steak like filet flank or boneless, skinless chicken breast," she says. "For me, I'm also adding in a half portion of a simple starch, like four ounces of yams." And don't think that Kardashian is skipping out on dessert! Following dinner, the reality star says that she is allowed another piece of fruit in order to keep her cravings at bay.
Up Next: Find out why Khloe doesn't skip a day in the gym!
Consistency Is Key!
In regards to how many times a week Khloe is working out, Coach Joe reveals that while they aim for six workouts a week to maintain consistency, there isn't a huge emphasis on time. "The workouts can be anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes each, and we're not targeting areas," he says. "I'm not saying, 'OK, today is upper body and tomorrow is lower body, and we're doing an hour workout.' Instead, she's listening to her body, and whatever her body can do, we do."
What Do YOU Think?
Have you followed a low-carb, high-protein diet in the past? Are there any tips from Khloe's personal trainer that you'd use in your own workout routine? Sound off in the comments below!