How to Get Rid of the Fat Roll Above My Butt

 by Maria Parepalo

There's a very simple equation for weight loss: you either need to cut the calories you eat or increase the calories you burn. Only when your body's in energy deficit, will you burn fat for energy. Exercising increases your body's energy demand and burns fat.

There's a very simple equation for weight loss: you either need to cut the calories you eat or increase the calories you burn. Only when your body's in energy deficit, will you burn fat for energy. Exercising increases your body's energy demand and burns fat. Combine regular cardio and strength training exercises with a low calorie diet to increase your overall fat burn. However, there's no one magic exercise that will burn fat off one specific area.

Increase Fat Burn

Step 1

Engage in moderate-intensity cardio exercises three times a week to increase your metabolic rate and burn fat. Do the exercises you love to do, like jogging, bicycling and walking; or activities like light yard work and playing with your children. All of these count as moderate-intensity exercises, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Step 2

Complete muscle-strength training activities at least two times a week. Increased muscle mass will increase your metabolic rate, which will help burn fat above your butt, among other places. Work the muscles in your entire body with exercises like swimming, weight-training and rock climbing.

Step 3

Increase your everyday activities with a few easy steps. Park at the far end of the parking lot, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to lunch, or make your own lunch and walk to a nearby park to enjoy it. Although these activities only increase your body's energy use slightly on their own, the extra calories you burn will add up over time.

Cut Calories

Step 1

Use lean cuts of beef, skinless chicken breast and lean white fish as your sources of protein. You don't need to stop eating your favorite meats, just change the way you cook them. Avoid fried meats and cut all visible fat off your meats. Also avoid ground beef that contains over 10 percent fat. Use extra-lean ground beef, turkey or chicken instead.

Step 2

Make your meals using fresh and healthy ingredients that are low in calories and high in fiber. These will fill your stomach and make you eat less high-calorie foods. For example, replace your high-calorie pasta, rice or potatoes with a green salad or grilled vegetables like asparagus, zucchini, mushrooms, peppers and spinach, and eat them with grilled beef, fish or chicken.

Step 3

Eat small and healthy meals frequently to avoid unhealthy food cravings. When you eat a small meal or a snack every few hours, you'll keep your blood sugar levels steady, which can prevent visits to the vending machine for snacks like sodas, chocolate bars and chips. Take snacks like baby carrots, grapes, apples, yogurt or sugar-free jello to work and snack on these before and after lunch.

Step 4

Eat a filling breakfast, like oatmeal with fresh berries or an egg-white omelet with vegetables. People who eat breakfast are more successful in weight loss and maintenance, according to the USDA publication "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010."


Always consult your doctor before beginning a new diet or exercise program.


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