How to Get Rid of Jaw Fat
Weight gain in the face can cause a loss of definition in the jaw line and chin. Weak muscles around the neck, jawline and face also cause the skin to droop, creating a sagging appearance instead of a right angle along the jawline, according to the April 2005 edition of Science Daily.
Weight gain in the face can cause a loss of definition in the jaw line and chin. Weak muscles around the neck, jawline and face also cause the skin to droop, creating a sagging appearance instead of a right angle along the jawline, according to the April 2005 edition of Science Daily. To lose the fat around your jaw, you will need to drop total body fat, since spot reduction is not possible, according to the American Council on Exercise. Following a healthy diet and doing 30 minutes of fat-burning cardiovascular exercise a day will help you drop the fat. Doing facial exercises will strengthen and tone the muscles for a tighter-looking jawline.
Forehead Push
Step 1
Sit with your back in neutral alignment, pulling your vertebrae up tall from your tailbone to your head. Relax your shoulders down away from your ears and look straight ahead.
Step 2
Place your palms on your forehead. Push your forehead against your palms, using the resistance to engage your neck muscles. Lift your chin slightly, and gently clench the back teeth as you push. Hold for four to five seconds and release.
Step 3
Push your forehead against your palms as you try to pull your chin toward your chest. Clench your back teeth gently and feel the neck and jaw muscles engage as you hold this position for four to five seconds.
Step 4
Repeat the entire sequence five to eight times. Keep stress out of the upper back and neck by pulling the shoulders down, away from the ears.
Jaw Clench and Release
Step 1
Sit up tall on your sitz bones, engaging your entire core and pulling your shoulders down away from your ears. Keep your head in forward, neutral alignment, parallel with the floor.
Step 2
Place the fingertips of both your hands on your forehead. Inhale and clench your back teeth together gently, feeling the jaw muscles engage.
Step 3
Hold the jaw muscle engagement for five to eight counts, visualizing all tension pulling in to the jaw. Close your eyes and tighten the facial muscles around the eyes, the cheeks and neck.
Step 4
Exhale and release all tension as you slowly pull your fingertips down your face toward your chin. Relax your arms to your side as the pull down past your chin. Take a big deep breath in and exhale slowly.
Step 5
Repeat the entire sequence three to five times. Feel the tension and stress pull into the jaw and then release each time you do this exercise. After the final repetition, inhale and shake your face vigorously.
Consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise or diet program.