Finger Dexterity Exercises
Whether you type all day, play the guitar or perform precise surgical operations, finger dexterity, flexibility and strength are required for a variety of activities and skills.
Whether you type all day, play the guitar or perform precise surgical operations, finger dexterity, flexibility and strength are required for a variety of activities and skills. Practicing a few simple finger exercises throughout the day will keep your finger joints lubricated and help increase the dexterity, speed and strength of your fingers while performing such tasks. Perform each exercise between five and 10 times for optimal benefits in toning and function.
Fingertip Press
Place the fingertips of each hand together, keeping the palms open and fingers bent. It will look like you're grasping an invisible ball with both hands. Apply gentle pressure into the tips of the fingers, which extends and pushes the fingers slightly upward, suggests Nimble Fingers. Add even more pressure and your fingers will straighten. Try to apply pressure until the length of the fingers are pressing together, the palms not quite touching. Repeat this exercise several times a day for relief of tension and strain.
Switching Fingers
Place one hand palm side down on a flat surface. Lift the index finger and lower, suggests the Ohio State University Medical Center. Then lift the middle finger and lower, repeating with each finger. Concentrate and try to do this sequence faster, first starting with the index finger, then reversing the order and starting with the pinkie finger. Perform a sequence of five on each hand, first starting with the index finger and then switching to start with the pinkie finger.
Making "Os"
Place your right hand in front of you, palm side up. Touch the tip of your thumb to your index finger, making an "O." Then release and touch the tip of the thumb to the middle finger, release, then the ring finger and finally, the pinkie finger. Repeat this sequence several times with the right hand and then repeat with the left hand, suggests Ohio State University.
Waving Bye-Bye
Raise your right hand to shoulder height, palm facing outward. Extend the thumb to the side. Next, bend all the fingers toward the palm of your hand as if you're waving good-bye, or grasping a piece of paper only with the fingertips. Open the fingers, pressing them gently together as you lift them upward, and returning to the starting position. Holding the fingers in that position, bend your thumb inward, trying to place the tip of the thumb as close to the base of the pinkie finger as possible. Hold that position for several seconds and then extend the thumb outward again. Repeat this sequence on each hand five times.