At-Home Triceps Workouts

 by Amy Hannaford

Slipping into that sleeveless party dress or tank top can make any woman nervous about exposing flabby arms. As you get older, it is natural to lose some muscle mass and tone in the arms, especially the back of your arms or the triceps.

Slipping into that sleeveless party dress or tank top can make any woman nervous about exposing flabby arms. As you get older, it is natural to lose some muscle mass and tone in the arms, especially the back of your arms or the triceps. But never fear, you can tighten up those arms in no time with this simple triceps workout which can be done in the comfort of your own home. For best results, do two sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise five days per week. Use three- to eight-pound hand weights, starting with the lighter weights and increasing the amount of weight as the exercises become easier.

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

Stand in a split-stance with your right leg forward and hold a three- to five-pound dumbbell in your left hand with your palm facing your thigh. Bend forward at the waist, place your right hand on your right thigh and keep a flat back while pulling your belly button in towards your spine and keeping your head down. Lift your left arm up until your elbow forms a 90-degree angle and your upper arm is parallel to the floor. Slowly extend your left arm behind you while straightening your elbow and keeping your upper arm parallel to the floor. Bend your elbow and lower arm to start position. Complete 12 repetitions then switch sides; do two sets with both arms. If you have trouble keeping your upper arm parallel to the floor throughout this exercise, switch to a lighter hand weight.

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions

This exercise can be done standing or sitting and requires one five- to eight-pound dumbbell. Hold the dumbbell in both hands over your head, keeping elbows straight and close to your ears. Slowly bend your elbows lowering the dumbbell behind your head; then raise to start position. If standing, keep your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent and belly button pulled in towards your spine. Do two sets of 12 repetitions. You can increase the amount of weight used as this exercise becomes easier.

Triceps Dips

Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair or workout step. Place your hands palm down on the chair on either side of your hips and extend your legs out in front of you. Carefully slide your butt off the edge of the chair while keeping your arms straight and your back close to the edge of the chair. Slowly bend your elbows to almost a 90-degree angle while lowering your body down towards the floor, then push up with your arms to raise your body back to the start position. Do two sets of 12 repetitions. Beginners can bend their legs.


Start on your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders and fingers facing forward. Bring each leg out behind you, so you are in a plank position with your toes tucked under, abs pulled in and your head aligned with your spine. Keeping your elbows in close to your sides, lower your body just until your chest is two- to three-inches off of the floor; push up to start position. Do two sets of 12 repetitions. Do not let your elbows flare out from your body as you do this exercise. Beginners can do this exercise on your knees.


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