6 Rockin' Exercises for Totally Toned Arms
With so many different ways to approach your arm workout, I made it my mission to come up with the most fun dance-based workout that’ll provide results. As a former professional dancer turned fitness expert (find me on Instagram [@meganroup](https://www.instagram.com/meganroup/) and [@thesculptsociety](https://www.
With so many different ways to approach your arm workout, I made it my mission to come up with the most fun dance-based workout that'll provide results. As a former professional dancer turned fitness expert (find me on Instagram @meganroup and @thesculptsociety), I developed these six go-to moves for long, lean dancer arms.
Just like in my class The Sculpt Society, this workout is beat-driven, so turn on your favorite tunes and move to the music. Grab a pair of two- to three-pound weights and execute each of the following six exercises eight times on each side. Once you're done with the first round, repeat these six exercises four times on each side, then two, then one. So you're doing a total of four rounds.
1. Diamond Punch Back
This move is a great way to mix up a traditional triceps extension and have fun while doing it.
HOW TO DO IT: Start with your feet apart, holding the weights at your belly button, elbows out to the side. Twist your upper body to the left side and bend the left leg. At the same time, punch your right arm back, elbow leads with picky finger to the ceiling (so your arm rotates slightly to target your triceps). Keep your left arm bent and your elbow to the side. Return to the center and repeat for all your reps on one side before switching to the other.
Read more: 8 Strengthening Moves to Get Rid of Your Arm Jiggle
2. Punch Forward and Back
Here's another great way to blast your triceps and shoulders as you work to keep your arms moving. Plus, your entire body is involved as you lean into each move. Be sure to keep your arms at shoulder level as you punch to the front and the back.
HOW TO DO IT: Start facing forward with your feet apart. Lift both arms to a bent T position with your hands at chest level and elbows out. Bend your left leg and twist your upper body to lean to the left side as you punch your right arm back. Then bend your right arm through the bent T position before punching to the left side as your right leg bends and you lean to the right. Return to center with both arms in that first bent T position.
3. Clockwise Arm Circle
Sure, push-ups are good for you, but I'd rather do these arm circles all day, every day! By this point, you'll really start to feel the weights. You might even be surprised how much of a challenge it is to hold such light weights and repeat continuous movements.
HOW TO DO IT: Start facing forward with your feet apart. Lift both arms to a bent T position with your hands at chest level and your elbows out to side. Bend your right knee, lean back and twist your upper body to the left as you punch your right arm to the left side. Keeping your right arm straight, sweep it to the right side at chest level. As your arm reaches the right side, bend your left knee and lean to the left side. Return to center and keep it going.
Read more: The Ultimate Workout for Sexy, Sculpted Arms
4. Counterclockwise Arm Circle
These counterclockwise circles not only work your back and shoulders, but you'll also feel the burn in your triceps. Get your entire body involved as you lean into the movement. Your arms may be feeling fatigued by this point, but make sure to keep your form on point.
HOW TO DO IT: Start facing forward with your feet apart. Lift both arms into a bent T position with your hands at chest level and your elbows out to side. Bend your left leg and twist your upper body to lean to the left as you punch your right arm back behind you. Keep your pinky finger facing the ceiling as you sweep your straight arm at chest level to the left side (in front of you). Bend your right leg to lean into the right side so you're leaning back. Return to the bent T position in the center and start again.
5. High Diagonal Punch
I love doing this move to a great song — it always pumps me up. This fun yet simple move targets your back and shoulders. Just be sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together as you extend your arm. Your back will thank you later.
HOW TO DO IT: Start with your feet apart, arms in a bent T, hands at your chest and elbows out to side. Bend your left knee and lean to the left side as you punch your right arm on a high diagonal back behind you. Return to center with both legs straight and keep moving to the beat for all your reps.
Read more: The 8 Best Cardio Kickboxing Moves
6. Side Punch
This final move is another simple but effective move to target your shoulders and back. Once you've done eight reps on each side, get ready to start it all over again!
HOW TO DO IT: Start facing forward with your feet apart. Lift both arms into a bent T position with your hands at chest level and your elbows out to side. Bend your left knee and lean to the left side as your right arm punches to your right side back behind you. Keep your palm down. Return to the start and punch it out for the remaining reps before switching sides.
What Do YOU Think?
Have you ever done a dance-inspired cardio class like this before? What did you think? Have you tried this workout yet? Did you have fun? What are your favorite moves? Are there other dance-type moves you add to your routine to shake it up? Share your stories and suggestions in the comments below!