How to Get Pregnant After a Laparoscopy

 by Jamie Simpson

Fertility doctors often use laparoscopic surgery to take a look at a woman’s internal organs to find out why she is having trouble getting pregnant. The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis and is performed by inserting a camera through a small incision in the abdomen.

Fertility doctors often use laparoscopic surgery to take a look at a woman's internal organs to find out why she is having trouble getting pregnant. The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis and is performed by inserting a camera through a small incision in the abdomen. The doctor takes a look around for scarring, missing parts or organs that may be out of place. These pictures tell the doctor if something is wrong with a woman's internal organs so the problem can be addressed through other means if necessary. After laparoscopy, it is important for a woman to take time to recover before resuming activities that might make her pregnant.

Step 1

Take good care of your incision site. According to the Georgia Reproductive Specialists, the small incision may weep clear or pink tinged fluid for a couple of days after the surgery. Keep the incision covered for two or three days and change bandages if they become soaked with fluid.

Step 2

Eat a very mild diet for the first few days after laparoscopic surgery. Toast, clear liquids, Jello and juice will keep your stomach calm. You may resume your normal diet when you feel you can handle it.

Step 3

Take it easy and relax. You will feel tired and sore after the surgery. Rest as much as possible but get up and move around after a day or two so you do not get stiff and sore. When your doctor tells you to "avoid strenuous activity," that means no exercise program and no sex until the incision site is fully healed.

Step 4

Avoid sex for at least three days following the surgery. If you experience any complications such as pain, bleeding or vaginal discharge, talk to your doctor immediately to address these symptoms.

Step 5

Resume sexual activities when cleared by your doctor. If at any time you experience pain or are uncomfortable, stop having sex and wait another day or two.


Laparoscopic surgery will probably not interfere with your chances of getting pregnant. However, you should avoid sex right after the surgery, which will simply delay your plans a little. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions. Follow your doctor's directions carefully if the laparoscopy reveals any abnormalities.


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