How to Treat the Fever for an 8-Month-Old Baby
A fever is a symptom, but also an immune system response that helps the body fight infections. A low-grade fever up to 100.2 degrees Fahrenheit in an 8-month-old baby typically doesn't require treatment, according to
A fever is a symptom, but also an immune system response that helps the body fight infections. A low-grade fever up to 100.2 degrees Fahrenheit in an 8-month-old baby typically doesn't require treatment, according to Reduce higher fevers or those causing obvious discomfort, and consult your pediatrician. Get your baby medical attention for a fever higher than 103 F. In general with temperatures below 103 F, the number is less important than how your baby acts. If he seems otherwise fine, he probably is; if he seems disoriented, lethargic or otherwise seriously ill, get medical attention regardless of the fever.
Step 1
Give your 8-month-old baby a liquid children's fever reducing medication, provided your pediatrician agrees. Opt for acetaminophen or ibuprofen, and never give a child aspirin. Use a clearly marked medicine dropper for dosing. Determine the proper dosing according to your baby's weight, not her age. Follow all package directions and warnings, and wait the prescribed amount of time between doses.
Step 2
Strip your baby of any clothing, leaving him in just a diaper. Cover him with a light blanket if he seems cold or has chills. Do not bundle up your baby, as this can raise his temperature.
Step 3
Keep the temperature in your house between 70 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent overheating your 8-month-old while keeping her warm if she starts feeling chilled from her fever.
Step 4
Give your baby cold liquids to help reduce his fever and stave off dehydration. An ice pop of frozen juice works well, too, especially if he doesn't want to drink.
Step 5
Put your baby in a few inches of lukewarm water and wipe her down with a washcloth. Don't use cold water, and never add ice to the bath water. Too cold a bath can be very uncomfortable and trigger severe chills if your baby has a fever. Never apply rubbing alcohol to your baby, as it can cool her dangerously fast and be absorbed through her skin.
Rectal temperature readings are the most accurate for an 8-month-old baby. Oral readings are fine, as well, but forehead strips and ear thermometers can be inaccurate. Wait at least 20 minutes after your baby eats to orally take his temperature, and make sure he isn't bundled up while you take it. Don't take your baby's temperature right after a bath, either.
Call your doctor if your 8-month-old's low-grade fever persists for more than two days, or if there are accompanying symptoms.