What Foods Naturally Eliminate Gas in Diet?

 by Michelle Fisk

Excessive gas can be an embarrassing problem. The condition is a result of air in your digestive tract or when you metabolize certain carbohydrates. It can also occur when bacteria grow in your small intestine, which is associated with inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes.

Excessive gas can be an embarrassing problem. The condition is a result of air in your digestive tract or when you metabolize certain carbohydrates. It can also occur when bacteria grow in your small intestine, which is associated with inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes. Symptoms of gas include burping, flatulence, bloating and abdominal pain. Certain foods are known to cause gas, but other foods can help eliminate this condition. Make dietary changes to ease the bloat and reduce your gassy problem.

Lower the Bloat With Fruit

Potassium-rich fruits help prevent bloating. Bloating can be caused by too much salt in your body, and potassium aids in regulating your sodium levels. Bananas, avocados, kiwis and oranges all contain potassium. Bananas also boast soluble fiber, which relieves constipation – another cause of gas and bloating. Increasing your fiber intake too quickly can cause gas, so MedlinePlus recommends adding soluble fiber gradually to your diet.

Choose Vegetables Wisely

Cucumber and asparagus are two vegetables to incorporate into your diet if you are experiencing gas. Cucumbers may reduce inflammation in your digestive tract -- they contain the antioxidant quercetin, which squelches inflammatory enzymes, according to registered dietitian Cynthia Sass on the Fox News website. Asparagus increases your need to urinate, Sass states, helping you flush out extra water and reduce stomach bloating and gas. This vegetable also contains prebiotics, which promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut and prevent gas.

Boost Your Friendly Bacteria

Prebiotics promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut, while probiotics are actual bacteria. Probiotics increase digestive-supporting bacteria and reduce bad bacteria that interfere with digestion and cause gas, which is often the case if you suffer from inflammatory bowel disease. Yogurt is the most widely used probiotic available, but you can also find probiotics in miso, pickles, tempeh and kimchi.

Sip on Tea

Fennel seeds naturally stave off gas, reports registered dietitian Tamara Duker Freuman on the "U.S. News" website. They improve your ability to digest gassy foods, such as beans and cauliflower. Chew on fennel seeds after eating or crush them and add them to tea. You can also sip on peppermint tea. Peppermint helps you digest fats more easily by improving the flow of bile and relaxing your digestive muscles, which helps alleviate gas.

Soothe With Ginger

Ginger aids in soothing your digestive system and relaxing your digestive muscles to ease bloating. It also contains enzymes to aid in protein digestion. A 2010 study published in the "Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand" showed ginger capsules had an anti-gas effect in healthy men. Sip on ginger tea or add fresh ginger to stir-fries, rice dishes, smoothies and salad dressings.


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