3 Ways to Identify Symptoms of Gastritis Inflammation
Gastritis is the medical term used to refer to inflammation of the stomach lining. It is a condition with a variety of causes, but regardless of its origin, the symptoms tend to be similar. You may feel nauseous or less hungry than usual. Some people find that they have unexplained weight loss.
Gastritis is the medical term used to refer to inflammation of the stomach lining. It is a condition with a variety of causes, but regardless of its origin, the symptoms tend to be similar. You may feel nauseous or less hungry than usual. Some people find that they have unexplained weight loss. After eating a meal you might experience an uncomfortable sensation of fullness, particularly in your upper abdomen. Or you may notice that you are frequently bloated and belching excessively. People with gastritis often complain of indigestion, a burning or gnawing pain in the upper abdomen. Eating can either make this pain disappear or make it worse.
Gastritis can cause your stools to become darker. Occasionally, they may even contain blood. Bleeding caused by gastritis is rarely severe but should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.
Gastritis can be either acute or chronic, and you will experience slightly different symptoms depending on which type you have. Acute gastritis comes on suddenly and tends to result in a burning pain and nausea. Chronic gastritis develops over time. People with chronic gastritis are more likely to report feeling full easily, and the pain is generally a dull ache. It is possible to have chronic gastritis and not have any symptoms at all. If you are asymptomatic, it is much more difficult to get a diagnosis of gastritis.
Gastritis is the medical term used to refer to inflammation of the stomach lining. It is a condition with a variety of causes, but regardless of its origin, the symptoms tend to be similar. You may feel nauseous or less hungry than usual. Some people find that they have unexplained weight loss. After eating a meal you might experience an uncomfortable sensation of fullness, particularly in your upper abdomen. Or you may notice that you are frequently bloated and belching excessively. People with gastritis often complain of indigestion, a burning or gnawing pain in the upper abdomen. Eating can either make this pain disappear or make it worse.
Gastritis can cause your stools to become darker. Occasionally, they may even contain blood. Bleeding caused by gastritis is rarely severe but should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.
Gastritis can be either acute or chronic, and you will experience slightly different symptoms depending on which type you have. Acute gastritis comes on suddenly and tends to result in a burning pain and nausea. Chronic gastritis develops over time. People with chronic gastritis are more likely to report feeling full easily, and the pain is generally a dull ache. It is possible to have chronic gastritis and not have any symptoms at all. If you are asymptomatic, it is much more difficult to get a diagnosis of gastritis.