Your Brain When You Eat Vegan: A Conversation With Kimberly Snyder

 by Ferozan Mast

In this episode of the Stronger Podcast, nutrition expert Kimberly Snyder joins LIVESTRONG to discuss the vegan diet.

Veganism — has it ever been more accessible and accepted as a lifestyle, rather than a fad diet, than it is today?

In the last three years alone, there's been a 600% increase in people identifying as vegans in the U.S — but there are still so many many myths and misconceptions about the vegan diet. For example: Vegans don't get enough protein, or the vegan diet is unsustainable, or vegans are just hungry and bored all the time. Which might be the case for some vegans (as it might be for advocates of any diet!), but that certainly doesn't have to be the case.

Just ask Kimberly Snyder, long-time vegan, nutritionist, and New York Times best-selling author of the Beauty Detox series, who joins LIVESTRONG.COM on this week's episode of the Stronger podcast.

A leader in the plant-based diet community, Snyder helps us break down some of those misconceptions surrounding the vegan lifestyle, and provides a refreshingly balanced and realistic view on how veganism affects our health, and the environment. She also highlights how there is a right way and a wrong way to be vegan — just because you follow a vegan diet does not necessarily mean you are being healthy.

Listen to Your Brain As a Vegan to hear what Snyder has to say — and visit Thrive Market for all your organic food needs!


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