What Types of Tea Are Caffeine Free?
Whether you've decided to cut back on caffeine on your own, or your doctor recommended you reduce your caffeine intake, one strategy is to eliminate black and green tea, which both contain caffeine. Even black teas that are labeled "decaffeinated" contain trace amounts of caffeine.
Whether you've decided to cut back on caffeine on your own, or your doctor recommended you reduce your caffeine intake, one strategy is to eliminate black and green tea, which both contain caffeine. Even black teas that are labeled "decaffeinated" contain trace amounts of caffeine. Instead, drink a cup of herbal tea, which contains no caffeine, according to the American Pregnancy Association.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is an herbal tea made from the dried leaves of the peppermint plant and has a fresh and slightly sweet flavor. Peppermint tea may help ease an upset stomach and may help break up congestion in the chest or nasal passages, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Peppermint tea does not contain any caffeine, but avoid it if you are pregnant or have gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Chamomile Tea
Drinking chamomile tea may have a calming effect while promoting sleep and reducing anxiety. Chamomile tea is made from the dried flowers of either the German or Roman chamomile plant. To make chamomile tea, the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends pouring 1 cup water over 3 tbsp. of dried chamomile, then allowing the mixture to steep for 15 minutes. To treat anxiety or digestion problems, drinking the tea four times a day may help soothe your condition, if your doctor approves.
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is made from the ginger root, which may help reduce symptoms of an upset stomach and nausea. Ginger tea is naturally caffeine-free. Ginger tea is available at grocery stores, health food stores and drugstores, or you can make your own ginger tea by grating a small piece of ginger root and placing it in a cup of boiling water. Allow the mixture to sit for several minutes.