What Are the Benefits of XanGo Juice?

 by Jan Millehan

The XanGo juice product contains mangosteen fruit -- used since China’s Ming Dynasty for its health benefits. XanGo juice is composed of the whole mangosteen fruit, plus other fruit juices. XanGO juice promotes intestinal health, immune function and improves cartilage and joint health, according to XanGoJuice.com.

The XanGo juice product contains mangosteen fruit -- used since China's Ming Dynasty for its health benefits. XanGo juice is composed of the whole mangosteen fruit, plus other fruit juices. XanGO juice promotes intestinal health, immune function and improves cartilage and joint health, according to XanGoJuice.com. XanGo juice may impact your health in several positive ways. However, you should consult your doctor before using XanGo juice for the treatment of any condition.

Antioxidant Benefits

According to MayoClinic.com, evidence suggests that the xanthones in XanGo juice are powerful antioxidants. Xanthones are said to be potent phytonutrients, or plant components, that destroy free-radicals -- thought to damage cells and cause heart disease and cancer. In fact, xanthones were found to have anti-cancer effects in laboratory testing, according to University of California at Berkeley. In addition, The American Cancer Society reports that an investigation involving rats indicated that mangosteen juice may reduce the risk of bowel cancer. However, insufficient scientific evidence exists to support the use of XanGo juice for the treatment of cancer in humans.

Anti-Bacterial Benefits

XanGo juice may possibly benefit skin acne and infections. Laboratory tests indicate that mangosteen juice prohibits the growth of bacteria -- including the bacteria that causes acne -- and fungi, according to The American Cancer Society. Moreover, the U.C. Berkeley Wellness Letter reports that the mangosteen in XanGo juice may have antiseptic and antifungal effects. Though believed beneficial, further clinical research is needed to prove the effectiveness of XanGo in the treatment of infections.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Mangosteen -- the primary ingredient in XanGo juice -- is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia that may help reduce inflammation. Laboratory and animal studies suggest that mangosteen has positive anti-inflammatory effects, according to MayoClinic.com. The anti-inflammatory benefits of XanGo juice have also been evaluated by a research team led by Jay K. Udani, whose findings were published in the October 20, 2009 edition of "Nutrition Journal." The team conducted its investigation to determine the anti-inflammatory effects of XanGo juice on obese and overweight subjects with high levels of C-reactive protein -- an indicator of inflammation in the blood. Forty participants, divided into four groups -- including a placebo group -- were given different amounts of XanGo juice over an eight-week period. XanGO juice reduced levels of C-reactive protein in those individuals receiving the highest dosages -- 18 oz. per day. Despite positive investigative reports, insufficient evidence exists to support the use of XanGo juice for the treatment of inflammation.


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