Vitamin B6 & Itchy Skin

 by Diane Marks

Vitamin B6 helps to maintain nerve function, make hemoglobin, make antibodies, break down proteins and maintain your blood sugar levels. It is naturally found in nuts, bananas, legumes, avocado, poultry, meats and whole grains, according to MedlinePlus.

Vitamin B6 helps to maintain nerve function, make hemoglobin, make antibodies, break down proteins and maintain your blood sugar levels. It is naturally found in nuts, bananas, legumes, avocado, poultry, meats and whole grains, according to MedlinePlus. B6 is naturally found in certain foods that you can eat to increase the amount of the nutrient in your diet. Eating foods that contain vitamin B6 will not cause your skin to itch. If you are taking a B6 supplement you may develop skin itching if have an allergic reaction. Talk with your doctor before using a B6 supplement.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 found in food helps maintain proper blood health, such as sugar levels and the creation of antibodies. Naturally occurring vitamin B6 is a water-soluble nutrient that your body does not store but expels through your urine. Because the vitamin is water-soluble, most people will not need to take a supplement. The only reason you would need to take a supplement is because you do not receive enough through your diet or you have a medical condition that depletes your body of vitamin B6.


Most vitamin supplements are synthetic versions of the vitamin, which your immune system may overreact to, causing a negative reaction. An allergic reaction is a hypersensitivity of the immune system to a substance that otherwise doesn't trigger symptoms in most people. Shortly after you take the B6 supplement, your immune system responds to the supplement as if it were a threat to your body and unleashes different chemicals to fight it off. These chemicals cause inflammation, swelling and irritation in different parts of your body, leading to allergy symptoms, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.


Itchy skin is a common sign of an allergic reaction. If your itchy skin develops into a rash with elevated portions of skin, redness and visual irritation, call your doctor. Minor skin reactions can cause your skin to itch without any visual change. Moderate to severe allergic reactions can cause an outbreak of hives. Hives are elevated welts that develop in different shapes and sizes and are extremely itchy. Hives may also be a sign of a severe allergic reaction that could be potentially life-threatening. Eczema is another common allergic rash that can form blisters on your body. Call your doctor for an evaluation if you develop a rash.


Not all adverse reactions are the result of an allergic reaction. Common side effects of taking too much vitamin B6 include numbness, sensory changes and having trouble coordinating movements, according to MedlinePlus.

An allergy to vitamin B6 is an allergic reaction that occurs when you take a supplement but will not transpire when you eat foods that naturally contain the vitamin. If you develop an allergy to certain foods, the reaction is a hypersensitivity to a protein in the food, not vitamin B6.


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