How to Know If You Are Low on Magnesium

 by Ireland Wolfe

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is used by every organ in the human body. Magnesium contributes to energy production and activates enzymes. Magnesium is found in many different foods, including green vegetables and whole grains.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is used by every organ in the human body. Magnesium contributes to energy production and activates enzymes. Magnesium is found in many different foods, including green vegetables and whole grains. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, it is rare to be truly deficient in magnesium, even if you do not get enough magnesium in your food in the United States. However, certain medical conditions can cause hypomagnesemia, or deficient magnesium levels.

Schedule an appointment with your physician if you believe you are low on magnesium. Some people have no symptoms and the only way to tell how low your magnesium levels are for sure is with a blood test. According to the National Institute of Health's MedlinePlus website, the normal range of magnesium in the blood is 1.7 to 2.2 milligrams per deciliter.

Take your blood pressure. Low magnesium levels can affect your blood pressure, either raising it or lowering it.

Record your sleeping habits. Hypomagnesemia can cause insomnia, restless legs syndrome or other sleep disorders.

Note your overall mood and cognitive ability. Severe low magnesium levels can make you feel irritable, anxious and confused.

Check your heart rate and your muscle movements. Hypomagnesemia can cause irregular heart rate. People with low magnesium also have muscle spasms, jerky muscle movements and muscle weakness.


If you are low in magnesium, you can take magnesium supplements or eat magnesium rich-food, like green leafy vegetables.


Low magnesium levels can also cause seizures in some cases.


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