Foods High in Boron & Vitamins
Boron and vitamins are vital for optimal health. Boron is a trace mineral which is important for improving conditions such as menopausal symptoms, allergies, Candida albicans, arthritis, osteoarthritis, aging and lupus.
Boron and vitamins are vital for optimal health. Boron is a trace mineral which is important for improving conditions such as menopausal symptoms, allergies, Candida albicans, arthritis, osteoarthritis, aging and lupus. Vitamins A, B and its variants, C, D, E and K are all vital for boosting the immune systems, healthy development and metabolism, and are all obtainable in large amounts through natural sources.
To ensure you have enough boron in your diet consume a variety from among the following food sources: almonds, walnuts, avocados, broccoli, potatoes, pears, prunes, honey, oranges, onions, chick peas, carrots, beans, bananas, red grapes, red apples and raisins. According to Medline Plus, boron is beneficial for regulating hormones, preventing osteoarthritis, reducing symptoms of menopause, preventing blood clots, reducing psoriasis and increasing testosterone.
Vitamin A
According to The Office of Dietary Supplements, the best sources of vitamin A and carotenoids, which are excellent antioxidants, are: chicken, liver, beef, whole milk, cheese eggs, carrots, peas, oatmeal, mango, papaya, apricots, spinach and kale. Beneftis of vitamin A include health development of bones and teeth, supple skin and good night vision.
B Vitamins
B vitamins are important for energy, metabolism, skin and eye health and nerve maintenance. According to Health Vitamins Guide, the best sources for B vitamins include: spinach, green peas, mushrooms, eggs, kale, broccoli, poultry, shellfish, potatoes and tomatoes. Benefits include helping to break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy, health of eyes, skin and hair and maintaining muscle tone.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is vital for protecting the immune system and helping iron absorption. The best food sources as recommended by Health Vitamins Guide are:spinach, broccoli, strawberries, oranges, mangos, pineapple, red bell peppers and kiwi. Benefits include growth and repair of tissue, boosting the immune system and helping with the functions of metabolism.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for maintaining bone health. According to the University of Minnesota, the best sources of vitamin D are milk, seafood, fish, eggs, chicken liver and beef liver. The benefits include healthy bones and improved absorption of calcium.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is important for maintaining health cells and regulating oxidation processes. The University of Minnesota recommends food sources such as seafood, sunflower seeds, flax oil, fish oils, nuts, collard greens asparagus and wheat germ. benefits include improved muscle and heart health. It is also a good antioxidant.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K, a more recently discovered vitamin, is important for blood clotting and calcium levels. Health Vitamins Guide recommends Brussels sprouts, parsley, watercress, broccoli, kale and soybean oil. Vitamin K can help people with digestive disorders such as Crohn's Disease to absorb nutrients better. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take vitamin K.