Easy way to reduce your sugar intake

 by K. Aleisha Fetters

If you faintly but surely "know" that the cause of obesity in the United States is fat, then many people are just like you.

Easy way to reduce your sugar intake

If you faintly but surely "know" that the cause of obesity in the United States is fat, then many people are just like you.

But you are wrong.

Times columnist David Leonhardt wrote in our sugar-free guide that the sugar industry has been promoting for decades, convincing consumers that the chief culprit in the US overweight problem is fat. , not sugar.

But Leonha wrote that simple carbohydrates - especially sugar - are the real culprit in the modern diet and the cause of the "diabetes and obesity epidemic."

It is not as difficult to quit sugar as you might think. Start by evaluating some of our most basic habits. For more guidance, read our full guide, which introduces four simple ways to stop sugaring today.

Stop drinking soda

This is obvious. About 47% of the added sugar in the American diet comes from sweet drinks, and they are basically nutrient-free calorie delivery vehicles. A 16-ounce bottle of cola contains 52 grams of sugar, which is above the upper limit of daily intake.

If you are drinking carbonated drinks for coffee, change to tea or coffee. If it's because of carbonation, or to enjoy the convenience of canned drinks, then you can try to change the bubble water, such as La Croix (my personal favorite - try coconut flavor)!

Keep an eye on your breakfast

Many of the breakfast foods that are advertised as "healthy" or "natural" have quietly added sugar. For example, flavored yoghurt contains a lot of sugar, and juice is also very easy for you to inadvertently consume a lot of sugar.

Leonhardt recommends eating as much as possible of cereals containing small amounts of sugar or sugar, such as cereals, plain oatmeal, bread and homemade cereals. If you want to eat cereals at all, then the best choices include scrambled or fried eggs, whole fruit, plain yogurt and nuts.

If you want more breakfast recipes, check out these breakfast recipes for Whole30. They are more extreme, and they don't use sugar or other ingredients at all (the quick-acting weight-loss meal that people love).

Check the sauce

Leonha says, like breakfast foods, food producers add more sugar to sauces and condiments than you might think. For example, two of the four main ingredients of Heinz Ketchup are sweeteners.

Look at the label on the sauce to see how high the sugar content is, pay attention to other names of sugar, such as high fructose corn syrup.

Sauces that are not sugar-flavored include Maille Dijon mustard, Gulden's Sauce, French Yellow Mustard Sauce, Prego Sails, and Newman's Own Classic Lavender Sauce.

Try a diet reset

Leonhardt’s thoughts on sugar began a month after he had quit sugar. He wrote this story in this column. I also had a similar experience when I first tried the Whole30 diet a few years ago (I am in this section). I have written this story), and the amount of sugar we inadvertently consume is really shocking.

If it doesn't sound too difficult to achieve in a month, try this: next time you go to the grocery store, stop and look at the ingredients of every item you buy. Pay attention to the keywords that are used to cover up the sugar, such as glucose. , fructose, sucrose, agave syrup and concentrated sugar cane juice, calculate how much sugar you have inadvertently ingested.

For more tips and tricks on reducing sugar intake, please read our full guide.


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