Benefits of Drinking Water With Apple Cider Vinegar

 by Sandi Busch

Apple cider vinegar contains an active ingredient called acetic acid that may help you lose weight or regulate blood sugar. Diluting vinegar in water is also better for your teeth because it lowers the risk of enamel erosion.

Apple cider vinegar contains an active ingredient called acetic acid that may help you lose weight or regulate blood sugar. Diluting vinegar in water is also better for your teeth because it lowers the risk of enamel erosion. Just remember that apple cider vinegar needs further research to prove its effectiveness and reliability, so the best advice is to drink it cautiously and consult your health care provider if you experience any problems.

Possibly Promotes Weight Loss

Japanese researchers recruited 155 obese subjects and divided them into three groups. Everyone consumed about the same number of calories, fiber, carbohydrate, protein and fat, but they took different supplements. One group drank a daily beverage containing a low dose of acetic acid in the form of vinegar, the second group consumed a higher concentration of the acid and the third group drank a placebo that didn't have any acetic acid. At the end of 12 weeks, the low-dose group lost an average of nearly 3 pounds, the high-dose group lost 4 pounds and the placebo group gained a pound, according to a report in "Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry" in August 2009.

May Lower Blood Lipids

While apple cider vinegar may help lower cholesterol, research using human participants still needs to be done to verify whether it's effective and safe. However, in laboratory studies using mice fed a high-cholesterol diet, apple cider vinegar lowered blood lipids, including triglycerides and total cholesterol, according to a report published in the August 2014 issue of the "Journal of Membrane Biology." In the same study, cider vinegar also protected cells in the kidney and liver from damage caused by the reactive molecules commonly known as free radicals.

Potentially Stabilizes Blood Sugar

Vinegar's potential to lower blood glucose has been verified in some studies, while others report it doesn't have a beneficial impact. Researchers reviewed the studies published to date that explored the ability of any type of vinegar to stabilize blood glucose. They concluded that some evidence supports the use of vinegar as a complementary treatment in people with glucose abnormalities, but more research is needed to prove its effectiveness, according to their report in "Nutrition Reviews" in October 2014. In the meantime, the American Diabetes Association advises caution and recommends consulting your health care provider before using vinegar if you have diabetes.

Prevents Tooth Enamel Erosion

You'll also gain an advantage from diluting vinegar's acidity by mixing it with water. Vinegar contains enough acetic acid to give it a pH of about 3. Since a pH of 7 indicates a neutral substance, and acids have pH values less than 7, vinegar's score puts it squarely in the acidic category. It only takes slightly acidic fluids to dissolve tooth enamel. Repeated exposure to apple cider vinegar will erode this protective covering and make your teeth more vulnerable to cavities, reports Tufts Now.


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