Are There Vitamins That Flush Nicotine?

 by Brynne Chandler

There is no magical combination of vitamins that can force nicotine from your system, but there are vitamins for smokers and drinkers that can help address their particular nutritional needs.

There is never a bad time to quit smoking, and the benefits of doing so start less than an hour after your last cigarette. As with any major life change, the prospect of going smoke-free may seem daunting at first — and there is no denying that this is one of the toughest changes you can make. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help ease your transition into a healthier life.


There are no vitamins that can forcibly flush nicotine from your system, but supplements such as niacin and vitamin C can help ease the challenges of giving it up.

Benefits of Not Smoking

When you smoke, according to, the toxins in cigarettes go straight to your lungs and are then carried to every part of your body. As soon as 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your blood pressure and heart rate drop closer to normal nonsmoker levels. After only 12 hours, your bloodstream has scrubbed itself clean of any extra carbon monoxide. By the time you have been smoke-free for between two weeks and three months, your risk of heart attack has dropped, your circulation has improved and so has your ability to breathe.

While it is tempting to think you can speed this process along by using something such as a niacin nicotine flush, the truth is that only time and staying smoke-free will bring you these benefits. Supporting your body with a healthy diet and effective supplements can also make the process easier.

Read more: Pros & Cons About Smoking

Best Methods to Stop Smoking

Choosing a method to quit smoking is a personal decision, but the experts at Harvard Medical School suggest that stopping cold turkey is the most effective method. You can do this by choosing a date in the very near future, or just stopping one morning when you first wake up. If you choose a date in the future, you can either slowly reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke every day, or continue as usual and have your last one the night before your chosen date.

Most people do better if they have a source of support, so consider joining an in-person or online support group. Rely on family, friends and coworkers to help keep yourself honest, as well. It is important to eat a healthy diet, including lots of fresh vegetables and fruit to support your body as you put it through such a dramatic change. There are links between lack of vitamin B and vitamin C and smoking, so plan your meals to include these essential nutrients.

Read more: What Happens After 15 Days of Not Smoking?

Vitamins to Help Quit Smoking

People who smoke generally have lower levels of vitamins B and C in their bloodstreams, according to Medical News Today. Vitamin B helps relieve stress, which often leads people to reach for a cigarette, so try quashing your cravings with stress-reducing foods such as green vegetables, citrus fruits, eggs, dairy, and lean meats and fish.

The supportive professionals at advise adding mints or sugar-free gum to your diet. These keep your mouth busy, provide flavor and can help ease cravings. Avoid sugary or spicy foods, because they tend to trigger cravings. Avoid alcohol if you can, but also keep in mind that sometimes it is easier to give up one bad habit at a time.

While there is no such thing as a magical vitamin C nicotine detox, supporting your body with effective and delicious nutrition can make the process a little more pleasant.

Read more: Vitamins That Help the Lungs After Quitting Smoking


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