16 STRONGER Motivations from Top Trainer Nicky Holender

 by Crissy VM

Need a [little motivation](https://www.livestrong.com/slideshow/559081-20-top-trainers-best-motivational-quotes/) to get stronger? Top celebrity trainer and former professional soccer player Nicky Holender worked with LIVESTRONG.COM to create [STRONGER](https://www.livestrong.


Need a little motivation to get stronger? Top celebrity trainer and former professional soccer player Nicky Holender worked with LIVESTRONG.COM to create STRONGER, an 8-week, 30-minutes-a-day online video workout program. Nicky's celebrity clients include A-list movie stars, professional soccer players and CEOs of major companies. They all work with Nicky because he's the king of motivation, and he's helped all of them achieve the bodies of their dreams. Read on to see 16 of Nicky's most encouraging quotes that'll help you overcome any excuses you have in your head.

1. “I can, and I will!”

Sometimes our minds give up way before our bodies do. Right around the time you think you can't possibly do one more rep or hold a plank for 10 more seconds, just tell yourself "I can, and I will." You'll hear Nicky Holender say that phrase often, because he knows you can do it. Nicky will guide you through your workout routine with the highest level of enthusiasm. His daily motivation and coaching will help you get into the best shape of your life.

Read more: Watch STRONGER Trainer Nicky Holender's Day 1 Video Message for Motivation

2. “The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory!”

Are the STRONGER workouts a walk in the park? No. Will the workouts transform your body in just eight weeks? Absolutely. The 8-Week STRONGER Challenge includes 10 30-minute body-shredding workouts that will get you fit fast. Follow Nicky as he helps you get the lean and healthy body you want.

3. “If those legs are shakin’, the calories are bakin’.”

This is Nicky Holender's version of "no pain, no gain." You'll mostly hear this one during squats. As a former professional soccer player, Nicky knows the importance of having strong legs. Plus, remember that muscle burns more calories than fat, so the stronger your legs are, the more calories you'll burn (even outside of your workouts). With STRONGER, you'll burns tons of calories! Plus, the LIVESTRONG.COM MyPlate app offers tools to track your progress daily so you can stay on track.

4. “The secret to weight loss is: There is no secret.”

If you want to earn it, you have to work for it. Once you've made that decision, Nicky will help you all the way until you reach your fitness goals. And there is really no secret, as he says. You have to work out and eat right. With STRONGER you not only get Nicky Holender's daily workouts, but an entire program with all the tools to succeed. Track your food and your progress, and talk to other people who are doing the 8-Week STRONGER Challenge and working hard to achieve their goals — just like you.

5. “Sweat is weakness leaving your body.”

STRONGER's full-body workouts aim to get you trim in just 8 weeks and looking hotter than ever. So, let us see you sweat!

Read more: What Is the 8-Week STRONGER Fitness Challenge?

6. “I love you enough to let you hate me.”

Nicky Holender cares about you and your results. He knows that you're doing the STRONGER program because you want to feel and look better than ever. He'll push you on, even when you think you can't do it.

Read more: Join the LIVESTRONG.COM Challenge Facebook Group

7. “There’s no such thing as getting it wrong...”

"There's just different ways of getting it right." You had to learn to walk before you could learn to run. The same applies for STRONGER. Every day you do the workouts, you'll get better at them. First, focus on getting the form right, and then add the intensity. All of the workouts offer a modified version so that you'll always have an alternative. And whether you follow Nicky or the modifier on certain moves, you'll get the results.

8. “Release your inner athlete.”

Nicky Holender has helped countless celebrity clients get the bodies of their dreams — including A-list movie stars and professional soccer players. STRONGER incorporates moves that you might never have seen before in a fat-torching workout that will also help you increase your physical performance across the board. Increase your stamina, jump higher and run faster.

9. “Everything you put into this, you will get out of it.”

By pushing you hard — with short bursts of high-intensity exercises that force your body to rev up your metabolism and get shredded — you will get stronger and leaner, faster.

Read more: 10 Free Workouts to Get You Fitter and Stronger

10. “No unhealthy food tastes as good as being in shape feels.”

Next time you're about to get a burger and fries or pizza, think about this. You'll enjoy a burger only for as long as it takes you to eat it. Getting in shape will make you feel good day and night for the rest of your life — as long as you keep it up.

11. “When you were a kid, this wasn’t work — this was play!”

Do you remember back when you used to run around the neighborhood with your friends, climb trees and play sports with a bunch of kids? Why did you ever stop? It was so fun! STRONGER will bring that positive, high-energy feeling back in your workout. There is nothing better than enjoying what you do, and yes, that includes fat-burning workouts.

12. “Don't settle for just OK. Get in the best shape of your life.”

Do you want to just lose a couple of pounds or do you want to be in the best shape of our life? We thought so! Get shredded abs, fit into those skinny jeans and get ready to show off those guns this summer.

Read more: 4 Ways the STRONGER Challenge Will Make 2018 Your Fittest Yet

13. “This workout builds character.”

The discipline you build by getting in shape will surface in other areas of your life as well. You'll start noticing that you push yourself harder and feel happier and more energetic — hello endorphins! If you can dedicate just 30 minutes a day to working out with Nicky, you'll see the results.

14. “Tap into your inner soldier, and let’s go to battle!”

Whether this is the first time you're following a workout program or your hundredth, we know that you have the passion needed to achieve your goals. Think about the things you're passionate about in life and channel that energy to achieve what you want. Take Nicky's challenge to get into the best shape of your life.

15. “Give me everything you’ve got.”

STRONGER is about results. Nicky is ready to push you every step of the way to reach your goal of getting in shape and making it last.

Read more: Transform Your Body in Just 8 Weeks With the STRONGER Challenge

16. “Make a mental commitment to make it to the end.”

If you want it and you're committed, you'll achieve it. It's as simple as that. You just have to make the choice to commit to yourself and to your goals. You owe it to yourself to see this through to the end and reap the results. A healthier, fitter version of you is only eight weeks away.

Read more: Join the LIVESTRONG.COM Challenge Facebook Group

What Do YOU Think?

Have you done any of the STRONGER workouts? What did you think? What were some of your favorite motivational quotes from Nicky? Are any of them on the list? Which ones did we miss? If you haven't started Stronger yet, will you? Take the challenge to get in the best shape of your life and share your thoughts, stories and favorite motivational quotes in the comments section below!


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