Romantic Tips for Your First Night
When you really care about someone it can be important to make your first night together something special. The days and hours leading up to that monumental, "first time" can be the source of a great deal of excitement but it can also be the source of a bit of anxiety for some people too.
When you really care about someone it can be important to make your first night together something special. The days and hours leading up to that monumental, "first time" can be the source of a great deal of excitement but it can also be the source of a bit of anxiety for some people too. You only get one first night together and it is up to you to make it romantic and meaningful for both of you.
Invest in Sexy Lingerie
Some sexy lingerie can go a long way on your first night together. It can add a bit of mystery to the experience and give you a chance to undress one another slowly and deliberately, adding to the anticipation you're both bound to be feeling already.
Shut Out the World
Your first night together is not a time to have friends drop by, work emergencies come up, or some urgent matter with the family to come up. Plan ahead to be sure that all loose ends are tied up as far as work and family obligations are concerned. Shut off your phones and turn off your computers. When you look back on your first night together you don't want it to involve anything but the two of you.
Pull the Old Rose Petal Trick
Rose petals have long been associated with romance and sex. To make your first night together extra special, put rose petals all over the room, the bed and leading up to the bed. You can purchase rose petals from the florist or save a few bucks by plucking the petals off of roses that you pick or purchase yourself. For an extra bit of romance, run a hot bubble bath and sprinkle a few petals on top of the water. Then, sprinkle them in a trail from the tub to the bed.
Create the Right Ambiance
Ambiance is everything when it comes to making your first night together a romantic and memorable one. All of the rose petals and sexy lingerie in the world is no good if you haven't bothered to set the mood. Make a mix tape of your favorite slow songs, turn the lights down low, and light candles. Ambiance is important in setting the mood and making the memory one worth looking back on in the future.