Pelvic Pressure Signs of Labor
As a pregnant woman’s body prepares for labor, many changes occur internally to ensure that her baby shifts into the proper position. Unborn babies descend into the pelvis in preparation for labor and delivery, which can cause their mothers to experience several new signs and symptoms.
As a pregnant woman's body prepares for labor, many changes occur internally to ensure that her baby shifts into the proper position. Unborn babies descend into the pelvis in preparation for labor and delivery, which can cause their mothers to experience several new signs and symptoms. Pelvic pressure and its related signs are an indication that labor will occur in the coming days or weeks.
The University of Kentucky explains that when an unborn baby drops into the pelvis, his mother usually experiences a discernible sensation of pressure in her pelvic area. Some women report that this sensation feels like the baby's head is pressing down; other women report that they experience a feeling that their babies may fall out once they have dropped. The pressure sensation may also feel like a bowel movement needs to occur. It can be quite uncomfortable depending on how low the baby is and may get better or worse depending on the mother's position and activity level.
Increased Urination
Frequency of urination increases when an unborn baby descends into his mother's pelvis. The pressure of the baby in the pelvis also puts pressure on related and nearby organs such as the bladder. The University of Cincinnati notes that this added pressure can also cause bladder leakage in addition to the need to urinate more often.
Change in Appearance
When pelvic pressure occurs owing to an unborn baby's engagement in the pelvis, his mother's belly takes on a new appearance. The roundness that was higher and closer to the lungs before engagement shifts, causing the belly to look like it has dropped.
Ease in Breathing
Despite the discomfort that pelvic pressure can bring, one benefit is that a mother is able to breathe more easily. When an unborn baby descends into the pelvis, the lungs and diaphragm have more room, which helps eliminate shortness of breath and difficulty breathing that pregnant women frequently experience, notes the University of Minnesota.
Cervical dilation occurs when the changing position of an unborn baby creates pelvic pressure intense enough to cause the cervix to thin and open. These changes usually occur through contractions, which increase the amount of pressure placed on the cervix. The lower a baby is in his mother's pelvis, the more pressure the mother will feel as dilation occurs.