The Benefits of Magnetic Rings

 by Jason Marcus

The use of magnets for various health conditions dates back many centuries; Greek physicians were practicing magnet therapy by the third century A.D. Proponents of wearing a magnetic ring may have health benefits, including increasing circulation, alleviating pain and aiding injury recovery.

The use of magnets for various health conditions dates back many centuries; Greek physicians were practicing magnet therapy by the third century A.D. Proponents of wearing a magnetic ring may have health benefits, including increasing circulation, alleviating pain and aiding injury recovery. More studies are necessary to determine the therapeutic effects of magnetic rings. Stephen Barrett, M.D., says that there is no scientific evidence to conclude that small, static magnets can relieve pain or influence the course of any disease.

Increase Circulation

Magnetic rings may have therapeutic benefits for conditions related to poor circulation to the extremities, including cold or numb hands and feet. The Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine reports that scientific researchers and magnet manufacturers propose that magnets can increase the flow of blood to tissues and can increase the temperature of the treated area. This theory has not been conclusively proved. Consult your health care provider if you experience numbness in your extremities and do not stop any conventional treatment you are receiving in favor of magnets.

Pain Relief

Magnetic rings are propose as an alternative medicine method of addressing finger and wrist pain such as discomfort caused by arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. According to theory, therapeutic magnets may change how nerve cells function and may block pain signals to your brain. This theory is not supported by medical literature; the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine reports that there is no convincing evidence that magnets can relieve pain of any type.

Injury Recovery

Wearing a magnetic ring may assist the healing of injuries to your hands or feet, supporters say. Therapeutic magnet manufacturers claim that magnets promote healing by stimulating circulation and bringing oxygen and nutrients to damaged tissues. The Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is sponsoring research on the effects of magnets on networks of blood vessels involved in healing. A preliminary study conducted by the National Institutes of Health suggests that magnets do not affect blood flow in healthy people.


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