How to Relax the PC Muscle

 by Simon Stirling

The pubococcygeus muscle, generally referred to as the PC muscle, is pivotal to genital functioning in both sexes. This muscle runs from the pubic bone to the tail bone, also known as the coccyx. The failure of this vital muscle to relax as necessary can cause significant problems--often in multiple body areas.

The pubococcygeus muscle, generally referred to as the PC muscle, is pivotal to genital functioning in both sexes. This muscle runs from the pubic bone to the tail bone, also known as the coccyx. The failure of this vital muscle to relax as necessary can cause significant problems--often in multiple body areas. Implementing an exercise routine to control the PC muscle also helps you learn how to relax the muscle.

Step 1

Identify the PC muscle. It is not visible, but is located closely to the rectal area in both sexes. Flex the muscle by using the same technique you would use when you must wait to urinate -- squeeze and hold.

Step 2

Test your stamina by halting the flow of your urine stream -- preferably in its entirety -- when urinating. When you can control your urination, you've also found the method of exercising your PC muscle.

Step 3

Tighten and relax your PC muscle fully. Begin with 10 repetitions per set. Clench and then unclench the muscle to its absolute maximum capacity with every repetition.

Step 4

Add to the number of repetitions every week. Increase your exercises by 10 more repetitions each week. Intensify the exercise by trying to count five seconds for every contraction. If this is too hard, try counting to three and build up to five.

Step 5

Make time to do several sets per day. Exercising the PC muscle is extremely convenient and also discreet -- no one can tell when you're doing it. Take a 2-hour rest between each set.

Step 6

Assess your level of improvement. The PC muscle should relax over time as you continue your exercise plan. Several weeks of committed exercise should show a gradual improvement in your urinary habits and sexual practices.


Wear loose-fitting undergarments to prevent friction and irritation while exercising.


If you experience pain during the exercises, consult your doctor immediately.


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