Backache, Pulled Muscle & Upset Stomach

 by Patience Lister

A back ache, pulled muscle and upset stomach are all general symptoms that can be caused by a variety of physical problems. Many of these problems can be prevented by keeping yourself physically fit, eating a healthy diet and taking precautions in your daily activities.

A back ache, pulled muscle and upset stomach are all general symptoms that can be caused by a variety of physical problems. Many of these problems can be prevented by keeping yourself physically fit, eating a healthy diet and taking precautions in your daily activities. Treatment for these symptoms depends on their cause and may require a visit to your health-care provider. Be sure to identify the cause of your symptoms before choosing a treatment.

Back Aches

Whether your problem is due to bones, muscles, ligaments or disks, back pain is one of the most common complaints heard by doctors. Depending on the cause and your physical health, symptoms can range from dull aches to stabbing pain. There are numerous causes for back pain, including muscle strain, a ruptured disk, arthritis, osteoporosis, irregular bone structure, cancer and spinal infection. Structural problems and strain are commonly brought on by improper lifting or lifestyle factors, such as obesity, physical strain or doing sedentary work. Many back aches can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, good posture and using proper lifting techniques.

Pulled Muscles

A pulled muscle, also called a strain, is the result of damage to your muscle fibers or tendons. Chronic strains are common among athletes and are usually caused by performing a repetitive movement for long periods. In contrast, acute strains are due to a specific incident where you have either overstretched you muscle or experienced a physical impact from something. Being overweight or out of shape increases your risk of muscle strain. Symptoms include muscle pain, cramping and swelling. You can prevent muscle strains by staying physically fit, stretching regularly, warming up before you exercise and wearing protective athletic gear.

Upset Stomachs

An upset stomach is difficult to diagnose because there are many potential causes. It may be a problem with your stomach or your abdomen, which contains other organs such as your intestines, kidneys, liver, spleen and appendix. Common causes of upset stomachs include constipation, diarrhea, infection, being overly full, appendicitis or stress. To identify the cause, consider the severity of your pain, how it feels when you move, whether you have other symptoms of illness, and how you feel after eating. If you cannot identify the cause of your stomach ache or if the cause is serious, contact a health-care provider.


Treatments for back aches, pulled muscles and stomach aches depend on the cause and severity of symptoms. Back aches are commonly treated at home with rest and painkillers, or in more severe situations with physical therapy or surgery. Pulled muscles should be evaluated by a health-care provider, who can recommend a customized treatment. Many cases can be treated with rest, ice compresses and elevation, while others may require surgery. Because there are numerous reasons for having an upset stomach, there is no standard treatment. If the cause is constipation, then you can treat it with dietary changes; if the cause is the flu, then you can treat it with rest and medication.


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