Bladder Infections After Exercise or Walking
Bladder infections are typically caused by bacteria, which can be spread through various conditions, including by using some forms of birth control and wearing tight clothes.
Bladder infections are typically caused by bacteria, which can be spread through various conditions, including by using some forms of birth control and wearing tight clothes. If you exercise in tight clothes, you could be increasing your risk of bladder infections; however, there does not seem to be a direct link between bladder infections and exercise itself.
Bladder Infections
The most common type of bladder infection is a urinary tract infection. According to the National Institutes of Health, your urinary tract includes your bladder, ureters, kidneys and urethra. A UTI is caused by bacteria that live in your digestive tract or around the entrance of your urinary tract. Under the right conditions, it can enter the urethra and go to your bladder and kidneys. While your body can normally purge the bacteria, certain risk factors can lead to an infection.
Risk Factors
Certain risk factors can increase your likelihood of getting bladder infections. If you have a history of UTIs, it can mean that you are more susceptible, and need to take extra precautions to reduce your risk. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you are at a higher risk if you have multiple sex partners, frequent intercourse, diabetes or are pregnant. Furthermore, the use of contraceptives that are irritating, like diaphragms, or irritating skin products can also raise your risk.
You can reduce your risk for UTIs by following some simple guidelines. Wearing tight clothes made of synthetic material can trap moisture and encourage bacteria to grow, but loose, cotton clothes can help keep you dry. Drink plenty of liquids to help your body flush out bacteria. You should also urinate after sex, and when wiping, wipe from front to back. You can also use a less irritating form of birth control, like lubricated condoms or a birth control pill.
Symptoms and Treatment
You should see your doctor if you begin to exhibit symptoms like a burning feeling when you urinate. You may also experience frequent urges to urinate, fever, stomach or back pain and discolored urine. When you visit your doctor, he will probably treat your bladder infection with an antibiotic, which should prevent a recurrence. However, some men and women suffer from repeat infections, so you may need to consult a specialist.