What Are the Benefits of Matcha Green Tea Powder?

 by Jaime Herndon

Green tea is known for its healthy properties, and matcha tea is no exception. One cup of matcha tea is equal to the nutritional and antioxidant values of 10 cups of brewed green tea, says matchasource.com. Consuming matcha powder is a more nutritious choice than tea brewed from leaves and then strained.

Green tea is known for its healthy properties, and matcha tea is no exception. One cup of matcha tea is equal to the nutritional and antioxidant values of 10 cups of brewed green tea, says matchasource.com. Consuming matcha powder is a more nutritious choice than tea brewed from leaves and then strained. Adding matcha green tea to a diet is an easy way to boost health and wellness.

Fighting Disease

Matcha green tea contains antioxidants, similar to other types of green teas. Matchasource.com states that the levels of antioxidants in matcha green tea are higher than that of spinach and blueberries. Antioxidants help protect cells against free radicals that can destroy cells and tissues and help strengthen the immune system, says domatcha.com. Catechins are types of antioxidants that are only present in green teas. Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCg, is a catechin known for its strong cancer-fighting properties and makes up 60 percent of the catechins found in matcha green tea, according to matchasource.com.

Mental Relaxation

L-theanine is an amino acid found almost exclusively in the tea plant camellia sinesis and can induce alpha waves typically only achieved by meditation, says domatcha.com. In this state of mind, calmness occurs along with mental clarity and alertness, but in an overall state of relaxation. L-theanine counteracts caffeine's stimulating effects, and helps lower blood pressure, improve memory, reduce PMS symptoms and reduce stress, according to domatcha.com. The effects of L-theanine usually begin a half hour after one cup of Matcha tea is consumed and can last for eight to 12 hours, says domatcha.com.


Tea originates from leaves, which get their color from a substance called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps eliminate heavy metals and toxins from the body, according to matchasource.com. Unlike teas where the leaves are discarded once the tea is made, matcha green tea is made from the powder, which is consumed along with the tea. Consumption of the green tea powder containing the chlorophyll imbues the tea with detoxifying properties. Chlorophyll also helps balance pH levels in the blood and contains antibacterial properties, says domatcha.com.


Matcha tea is high in caffeine, but it acts differently than that found in other teas and coffee. Domatcha.com explains that the caffeine in Matcha tea attaches to the catechins and is released into the bloodstream slowly as the catechins are broken down. This gives the drinker sustained energy rather than short bursts of intense energy, followed by lows. This, along with the L-theanine, provides a less jarring stimulus from the caffeine.


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