The Benefits of Kombucha Tea

 by Denise Stern

Kombucha tea is increasing in popularity in the United States, according to Dr. Brent Bauer of the Mayo Clinic. The tea is created from yeast and bacteria similar in appearance to mushrooms. The yeast and bacteria are added to green or black tea and sugar and allowed to ripen or ferment.

Kombucha tea is increasing in popularity in the United States, according to Dr. Brent Bauer of the Mayo Clinic. The tea is created from yeast and bacteria similar in appearance to mushrooms. The yeast and bacteria are added to green or black tea and sugar and allowed to ripen or ferment. The end product contains a variety of B vitamins and vinegar. Used much like sourdough bread starter, a small amount of Kombucha tea "starter" is used to brew new tea batches.

Immune System

Kombucha tea is believed to help boost immune system function and strength. The tea is believed to have high amounts of antioxidant properties that fight free radical damage, which causes cell damage and destruction.

Cancer Prevention

Kochumba tea has been promoted as a preventative to cancer because of its immune-boosting and detoxifying effects for those diagnosed as being in the early stages of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. However, human testing or clinical trials regarding the effectiveness of Kochumba tea as a preventive or treatment for cancer has not been tested in the United States.

Improved Digestion

Antibacterial properties found in the fermeted tea may help soothe digestive issues such as nausea and restore elimination, relieving constipation, as well as improving condition such as diarrhea and gastroenteritis, states

Antiviral Properties

Components in Kombucha tea are also claimed to act on viral infections, such as colds and flu when ingested as a tea, and even eye conditions, such as conjunctivitis, when applied in the eye in the form of drops, says The tea also offers detoxification benefits when taken in moderation. The tea may also help clear the skin and reduce acne and dandruff when applied as a lotion.


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