Can Teething Cause Babies to Have Gas?
Your baby will begin teething sometime between 4 to 7 months and will produce new baby teeth periodically until she is approximately 2 years old.
Your baby will begin teething sometime between 4 to 7 months and will produce new baby teeth periodically until she is approximately 2 years old. Though she may suffer from gas discomfort during her teething process, the condition is most likely caused by swallowing air while crying and her new exposure to solid foods, rather than the teething.
Common Teething Symtoms
Your baby may cry more when he's cutting new teeth, which may make him swallow a lot of air, causing gas. Other common symptoms of teething include drooling, unusual crankiness, rubbing of the gums or face, difficultly sleeping, decreased appetite, a slightly elevated body temperature or frequent pulling at his ears.
Teething Timeline
Although your baby first began producing her teeth during the second trimester of your pregnancy, it isn't until the roots begin to push against the gums that true teething occurs. The first teeth to pop up are usually the two center teeth on the lower gums, followed by the four top center teeth. By the time your baby is 1 year old, she will begin cutting her upper and lower molars, followed by her canine teeth. Her second set of molars will appear behind the first set at approximately age 2, giving her a full set of baby teeth.
Teething Pain Remedies
Offer your baby a chilled plastic teething ring or cold washcloth to chew on, or massage his gums with your finger to help counter the pressure from the budding teeth. If he appears to be in particular discomfort, speak to your physician about the use of benzocaine products on his sore gums, or ask about giving him a dose of infant pain reliever drops. Both of these products may carry health risks and should be used sparingly and only under a doctor's direction.
Soothing a Gassy Baby
Unless your baby is crying nonstop for hours or days on end (an indication of colic or a potentially more serious malady), chances are her discomfort is transient. Burp her frequently during feedings to help break up digestive gasses in her stomach. Keep her head higher than her tummy during feedings, and use a slow-flow nipple on her bottle to prevent air from entering her stomach while she drinks. Lay her on her back and pump her legs in a bicycling motion to help break up and release gas bubbles. If all else fails, ask your pediatrician about giving her over-the-counter infant gas drops to help alleviate her symptoms.