Quit Smoking Weed Tips

 by Alan Bass

Smoking marijuana can be just as unhealthy and addictive as smoking cigarettes, according to DrugAbuse.gov. Once the decision is made to quit smoking weed, you might have no idea where to start and how to do it.

Smoking marijuana can be just as unhealthy and addictive as smoking cigarettes, according to DrugAbuse.gov. Once the decision is made to quit smoking weed, you might have no idea where to start and how to do it. Understanding your addiction and the required steps for quitting can help you make a plan and ultimately stop smoking weed.

Understand Your Addiction

THC, the active chemical in marijuana, affects the brain by forcing cannabinoid receptors in the brain to react, according to DrugAbuse.gov. This leads to the "high" that you get after smoking marijuana. Many people are unable to distinguish between a psychological and a physical addiction to marijuana. According to Marijuana-addict.com, if you have been smoking weed for a while and smoke every day, you are most likely accustomed to being stoned and being in that mindset. You could have a psychological belief that you must be high in order to function correctly. A physical addiction can be much more serious and a doctor might need to be consulted for guidance and monitoring. Knowing why you are addicted can help you figure out the most effective way to stop.

Set a Date to Stop

Most smokers who want to quit might tell themselves, "I'll quit when my stash runs out," or "I'll just quit tomorrow." This is dangerous and ineffective. Set a date a few weeks or months in advance for when you will stop smoking. Simply claiming you'll stop as soon as you are out weed will most likely have the effect of pushing you to smoke all of your supply quickly. This increases the likelihood that you'll eventually go out and buy more, according to Marijuana-addict.com. By setting a specific date for stopping, you are committing yourself to a goal that you will be more likely to honor.

Discard All Paraphernalia

Most weed smokers have pot-smoking paraphernalia—some of it highly decorative— such as bongs, smoking bowls, a blunt-rolling tool or even a fancy vaporizer. If you get rid of weed-smoking gear or paraphernalia, you will have a much harder time finding ways to smoke and will have to work harder in order to smoke. If you make it harder for yourself to smoke weed, you increase your chances of quitting the habit.

Be Prepared For Withdrawal

Withdrawal from smoking anything, but specifically weed, can carry a high rate for failure, according to Marijuana-addict.com. If you have set a date for quitting, your body and your mind will be more prepared for withdrawal, making it a bit easier. Anxiety is extremely common in withdrawal, so knowing how to deal with anxiety in natural and safe ways can help your withdrawal. According to Marijuanapassion.com, symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include irritability, anxiety, physical tension, anorexia, insomnia, stomach pain, strange dreams and more. Sometimes medical assistance is needed to get through the difficulties of withdrawal, which DrugAbuse.gov says can last one to two weeks. Contact a local drug rehabilitation facility or ask your doctor if you need help to quit smoking weed.


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